Chapter 109

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3/4 done with book 5 or 6 i forget which one im on

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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Harry and I sneak into Umbridge's Office, hidden by his Invisibility Cloak. Hermione decided to stay behind with Ron and let me go with Harry instead, obviously trying to help me get closer to Harry. I will have to thank her properly later for that.

Harry and I drop the Cloak once we are safely inside Umbridge's Office.

Harry rushes over to the fireplace, grabbing Floo Powder, tossing it into the fire and exclaiming, "Grimmauld Place!"

The fire turns bright green, then Harry sticks his head into the fire.

Umbridge breaks in after a few minutes, shoving past me and grabbing Harry out of the fire. Draco and his goons pulling Hermione, Ron, Christopher, and Ginny into the room. Also picking me up and holding me back. I struggle in their hold but the well built upperclassman's grip does not get any looser.

"Harry!" I shout his name.

Unbridge throws Harry to the ground beside me.

Umbridge looks down upon Harry and inquires, "You think you could simply walk into my Office without me knowing about it? Foolish boy!"

Umbridge draws her wand and waves it at Harry, casting, "Accio wand!"

With that Harry's wand flips out of his pocket and into Umbridge's hand.

"Who were you trying to contact?" Umbridge asks Harry.

He responds full of spite, "None of your business."

"Draco, would you fetch Professor Snape, please?" Umbridge phases her order like a request, as if he would not be punished for denying her.

Draco leaves and Umbridge smiles sickeningly at Harry.

"Very well, Potter. I have been patient enough with you." Umbridge states.

Draco returns with Snape in tow.

Snape says to Umbridge, "You wished to see me?"

"I have just caught Potter trying to communicate with someone in my fire. I need some Veritaserum. Truth Serum." Umbridge tells Snape.

Snape curtly replies, "Well, it appears I cannot help you. I have none."

As Snape turns to leave and Harry desperately yells to him in code, "He's got Padfoot at the place it's hidden!"

"What? What does that mean?" Umbridge asks.

Snape informs Harry, "Potter, if I want nonsense shouted at me, I shall inform you."

Snape sweeps from the Office. Umbridge becomes enraged.

"We've played nicely, Potter. You leave me no choice!" Umbridge warns before taking out her wand and pointing it menacingly at Harry.

"You could have saved me a lot of trouble if those Dementors I sent to your house had finished you off!" Umbridge states, revealing her status of being a Death Eater to everyone here.

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