Chapter 4

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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All eyes turn on me and I can hear hundreds of students whispering. I stride up to the stool and sit, with my legs crossed and hands folded in my lap. The Sorting Hat is placed on my head and I can hear it muttering in my head.

"Hmmm... You're an interesting one, yes. Smart and perceptive like a Ravenclaw. Oh but so very cunning and determined like a Slytherin as well." The Sorting Hat says.

"Please, please, please put me in Slytherin." I beg the hat in a whisper.

"But there is one trait that outweighs them all, your courage."

I hurriedly state, still whispering, "Shit. No, please."

"Gonna have to be, GRIFFINDOR!" The Sorting Hat yells out, sealing my fate.

The Hat is taken off my head and I numbly walk to the Gryffindor table, vaguely aware of the roaring cheers from them. I get claps on the back and hand shakes as I make my way to a seat, which ends up being next to Hermione. She smiles at me and then turns her attention back to the ceremony. I stay in shock and dread for a bit until Harry's name is called.

He nervously walks up and sits. The Sorting Hat is placed on his head.

I can see him talking to the Hat and eventually it calls out, "GRYFFINDOR!"

The Gryffindors cheer out loudly again calling out that they got Potter and a Merlin. Harry looks pleased and fast walks over to the table, getting the same treatment as I did. He makes his way over to Hermione and I, sitting across from us and next to Neville. I glance up and see Dumbeldore waving his glass to congratulate Harry. Ah, a bit a favoritism I detect. The rest of the time spent waiting for me is spent stealing glances at Harry until it's Ron's turn.

He walks up and plops onto the stool.

The Hat barely takes any time and announces, "GRYFFINDOR!"

Ron giddily scuttles over while the Gryffindors cheer but not as much as they did for Harry and I.

The other Weasleys congratulate Ron and he sits down next to Harry.

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Once all of the students are sorted into their houses, the Sorting Hat is taken away and McGonagall dings her glass with a fork gaining everyone's attention.

"You're attention please." McGonagall requests.

Dumbledore stands and nods at McGonagall as a thanks.

She sits back down and Dumbledore happily announces, "Let the feast......begin."

Food appears in front of us all ranging from ham to potatoes. The variety of food is slightly overwhelming, but I quickly fill my plate and start to eat since I'm practically famished. As we eat Ghosts start to float around us, scaring Ron, which causes our group to laugh.

The chatter around the table continues and I decide to give Hermione a chance at being friends. We chat about Hogwarts and our love for learning. It is safe to say we are now close friends. Dessert soon replaces dinner and I eat until I feel stuffed.

Before long, the feast is over and we are all led to the Gryffindor Common Room by Percy, our Head Prefect and Ron's older brother. We stop at a painting of a plump looking lady in pink.

She asks Percy, "Password?"

"Caput Draconis." Percy answers.

What I hear someone call the Fat Lady nods at Percy and the painting swings open.

"Follow me, everyone. Keep up, quickly, come on." Percy pesters us.

The Common Room is made up of a cozy stone brick wall and a warm colored wood floor, with red renaissance art painting parts of the walls, along with actual renaissance framed paintings hanging on said walls. There is a roaring fire and couches surrounding it with a coffee table. Book nooks and tables with two chairs, for studying. Rugs adorned around the room. It looks like the perfect place to study and go if you feel homesick, with the warmth the room decor gives off. Also reminds me off home with how expensive it looks.

Percy stops and turns to us, informing is all, "Gather 'round here. Welcome to the Gryffindor Common Room. Boy's Dormitories, upstairs and down to your left. Girls, same on your right. You'll find that your belongings have already been brought up."

With that I say goodnight to Hermione and go to find my bed. Following the instructions I find my bed and belongings quite easily. Quickly unpacking and changing into my pajamas, I slip into bed. Falling asleep immediately from the exhaustion seeping in caused by a day full of excitement.

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