Chapter 79

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early AM inspiration coming in clutch again

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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It's kind of ironic that so many adult wizards are needed just to cage one Dragon, and then they will be forcing a fourteen year old to face them by himself, not to mention doing it to two different fourteen year olds.

I turn to Hagrid with a concerned look on my face, but Harry has taken to insanity, in my opinion.

Harry's smiling widely, as he looks at Hagrid and asks, excitement evident in his voice, "Hagrid, are those what I think-"

Hagrid nods enthusiastically in confirmation.

"But what are they doing here? Hagrid, those aren't- I mean one of those isn't...for me?" Harry questions Hagrid.

He grins like a kid at Harry as Harry points to the Dragons stating the obvious, "That's the first task? Dragons!"

"Thrillin', isn't it! Don't envy the Champion who draws the Horntail, though. Back end's more dangerous than the front-" Hagrid teaches us but is cut off by the Horntail on cue, blasts a rope of fire straight across the clearing, directly at Harry, Hagrid, and I.

I pull Harry into my arms as I dive out of the way. My back taking the brunt of the fall, my arms and back scraping up from the rocks and sticks on the Forest floor. I grunt out in pain, letting myself rest for a second, releasing Harry from my hold. Harry scrambles to get up quickly, I carefully sit up in place, then get up, my back having a dull ache to it now.

Why do I always seem to have an injured back? Whether it be whippings or just injuries while adventuring with Harry, my back can never catch a break. It's no wonder most of it is covered in scars.

I look over to where I stood moments prior, the pine where we were is now turned to ash. Thank Merlin for my quick reflexes.

Hagrid then adds on to his last statement, "'Course, the front end's nothin' ter sneeze at."

"That's Madame Maxine!" Harry exclaims, looking into the distance at her.

I glance at Hagrid, gauging his reaction to her being here. Hagrid looks at her with yearning and admiration. I hope my looks at Harry were never this obvious.

Hagrid dreamily says, trailing off at the end "Should seen 'er las' night. Long pink silks, hair fallin' 'roun'..."

I smirk at Hagrid, he's absolutely smitten with Madame Maxine.

"And there's Karkaroff!" Harry points out.

Why does he always seem to point out the most obvious things? We all can see too , there's no need to comment about everything he sees. It's quite a cute habit, though. Very endearing.

"Yeah. Don' miss a trick, tha' one." Hagrid tells us bitterly, but somehow sounding more like a disappointed mother.

I sigh deeply and state disheartened, "Of course I have to fight killer Dragons. Why does Merlin hate me so?"

Harry jumps in place, seemingly forgetting that I am here with them. Not that I blame him, I have been silent this whole time, sticking to observing rather than conversating.

Hagrid gives me a sympathetic smile, looking taken off guard by my lack of enthusiasm at fighting battle trained Dragons. Speaking of the battle trained Dragons, the Black Horntail rages in it's cage at the gang of wizards guarding and tending to it.

"Righ' big ball o' gas, ain't he? Thought Ron would faint just lookin' at 'im." Hagrid says, chuckling.

Now go back a moment, Ron saw these Dragons...and did not think to warn me of such a thing? I want to give him the benefit of the doubt, but he was not informed of Hagrid wanting to see us until a while after he saw the Dragons. I suppose he's still a tad bit bitter of my involvement in the Tournament. Not that I can blame him of course, Ron wants to participate in the Tournament very much, whereas I do not and yet I am. Surely he's upset at me for complaining about something that he so desperately wants for himself. I should be more mindful of not mentioning the Tournament in front of him, and when he's ready I can have him help me, so that Ron feels like he's apart of the Tournament too.

Harry holds a look of betrayal, and asks Hagrid, "Ron? Ron was here?"

Hagrid elaborates for Harry, "Sure. His brother Charlie was part o' the team tha' brough' the Dragons o'er from Romania. Din' Ron tell yeh?"

"No. He didn't." Harry angrily states.

I should tell Cedric, Maxine and Karkaroff most likely told the other Champions. I stride off, mind running with plans and ways to prepare myself. Forgetting to say goodbye to Hagrid and Harry. Students walk past me, with badges that glimmer in the light, reading, "Potter Stinks, Merlin Sucks". Well, how...unbecoming of Diggory. A smear campaign is not what I had expected of Cedric to do, my expectations of him have been reduced to zero. I follow the stream of students with those badges, finding more badges, these ones in favor of Diggory, "Support Cedric Diggory, the true Hogwarts Champion". I find Cedric and a friend of his nods to him. Diggory turns around regards me cooly.

"Merlin." Cedric greets me, not hiding behind any pleasantries.

I suppose if his Father has not taught him any better, or he has chosen to not he polite, then I shall match the tone he has set.

I calmly tell him, "I would like to have aword with you in private."

"All right." Cedric agrees quickly.

We step away from the crowd and I bluntly inform Diggory, "Our first task is to fight a Dragon. They have a different one for each of us."

Cedric asks me, suspicious, "You're...serious."

I nod firmly, a grim look in my eyes.

"And Fluer and they-" Cedric starts, but another nod from me stops him.

Diggory rubs his chin, pondering the situation nervously.

Cedric then asks me confused, "Why're you telling me?"

"This competition should be fair. Any win would be a false victory if it were won on uneven playing grounds. I am just doing what I would want another to do for me." I state, smiling slightly at Cedric.

Cedric nods and says, "Right. By the way, about those badges, I've asked them not to wear them, but, well..."

"I will say...I am surprised they do not fear my Father and the Merlin family's wrath, but they are but petty badges. It would take more than that to truly offend me." I reply, nodding politely and walking away from Cedric.

I catch sight of Ron and Harry, students around them circling like vultures for any type of drama. Harry gets in Ron's face, looking furious at Ron. Surprisingly Ron seems to be unbothered by the people watching, or at least very good at hiding his discomfort in Harry drawing so much attention to their personal matters. I walk over, looking to break them up.

Catching the end of the conversation, I hear Harry demand of Ron, "Yeah. Stay away from me."

"Fine." Ron agrees, storming off.

I spot a little weasel near by, with his unsightly henchmen flanking him. Feeling fed up with so much drama, I scoff at the two idiots and stalk off, looking to pick up Nyx from my room and scour the library for useful spells for the first trial.

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