Chapter 5

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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I wake up early enough to watch the sunrise and quickly bathe myself. Brushing my teeth and hair before getting dressed and heading to the Great Hall for breakfast.

There are little to no people in the Great Hall for breakfast so early, but Father has instilled the habit in me of waking up early with House Elves, so at this point it's second nature to me. That however does not mean that I like it at all.

I am practically falling asleep as I eat. Merlin, I wish they would serve us coffee here. But I suppose serving children such an addictive substance as caffeine is not very responsible. Still a shame though.

I finish eating just as other students begin to flood in. It takes longer than expected but maybe that is because I am still so exhausted from the day before and can barely keep my eyes open. Harry, Ron, and Hermione all sit in the same spots as last night and start chatting about our first day of classes, while piling up their plates with food.

When the Great Hall is full, our schedules are flown over to our respective places at the tables. Checking over my classes I notice that Transfiguration is first. That subject is one of my favorites to study for, so at least the start of my day will be getting better. The four of us talk about our classes, how exciting and nerve-wracking going to them will be at first.

After a bit, owls start to fly in and letters are dropped off. My family owl, Anastasia, sits on my shoulder waiting for me to give her a letter to send back. Opening the letter I check the sender and see that it's from Father... Fuck.

'My Dear Son Y/n,

I was deeply disappointed to hear that you had gotten into Gryffindor. However, your pathetic Mother's Mother had also gotten into that house, so there was a slight possibility of failure. I will still recognize you as my heir and the future head of the Merlin household and name, but you must prove yourself to me by becoming top of your year in every class. Otherwise I will have to fall back on that doormat of a little brother you have. Sadly, it seems he is just like his Mother. I hope you are not as well. Failure is not an option this time, do not disappoint me again.

     Sincerest Regards,
     Your Father

Samuel Merlin'

I swear I can feel a vein burst on my head from how hard I clench my teeth in response to this fools egotistical ramblings.

I quickly mumble out, "Incendio."

Causing my letter to burn and shoo off Anastasia thinking it better to not respond at all, lest I cuss him out.

My friends gape at my spell casting and immense anger as I storm off without explanation. I run into a girl who looks to be my age while fuming silently without regards for my surroundings.

"Oh, Merlin. I am so sorry. I wasn't looking were I was going." I apologize right away and check her over for any injuries.

"No, no. It's alright I wasn't paying attention eitherrrrrrrrr... Holy cricket! You're Y/n Merlin!" The girl, who I now realize is quite pretty, shouts out.

I nod and tilt my head slightly, "That I am. And who might you be? I'm sure I would've accepted your family's marriage proposal if you were a known pure-blood witch."

She flushes as stutters out, "I-I'm A-Adelaide Manson. But, uhm, aren't you a bit young to be getting proposed to?"

"Oh! Normally yes, but I am a descendant of Merlin so many people want to marry into the family. Although, my Father forbids any engagement until I'm older since any influence the girl I get engaged to might have can easily crumble in the amount of time before I can actually get married." I answer her feeling as if I just explained something personal to some random girl.

Adelaide nods and tells me, "I'm a Hufflepuff, but you're welcome to sit with me at my table anytime you want to hang out! I have to go but it was nice meeting you! Good luck in your first day classes!"

She waves goodbye and happily walks away. I wave back and continue on my way to Transfiguration, thinking back on Adelaide and how I feel almost the same as I did for her as I do for Harry.


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I sit at the front and center of the class, taking out my quill, notebook, and Transfiguration textbook from my cloak. It is not as heavy as you would expect to keep so many things in my cloak surprisingly.  Professor McGonagall sits on her desk in her tabby feline form. I would assume she is waiting for the rest of the students to arrive. Shortly after I get settled Hermione slides into the seat next to me, flashing a smile and getting out her supplies too.

Hermione leans over and whispers after class should be beginning, "Harry and Ron still aren't here. So maybe Professor McGonagall is waiting for them to come."

"I mean it is a smart move and it will be funny to see how they will react." I respond with a mischievous grin, whispering as well.

As if on cue Harry and Ron hurry inside cautiously but not seeing any professor in sight drop their caution.

Ron states relieved, "Whew, we made it. Can you imagine the look on McGonagall's face if we were late?"

Apparently Ron decided to loudly point out their luck, or I guess bad luck, not knowing that McGonagall is an Animagus. She jumps off her desk and gracefully transfoms into her regular human self. Harry and Ron look throughly amazed at this.

"That was bloody brilliant." Ron states the obvious.

McGonagall does not seem impressed with such a statement and scolds them, "Thank you for the assessment, Mr.Weasley. Perhaps if I were to transfigure Mr.Potter and yourself into a pocket watch, that way one of you might be on time."

I smirk and Hermione seems pleased that they are getting properly punished.

Harry responds with a genius reply, "We got lost."

That response is not a good enough excuse for McGonagall, as she suggests, "Then perhaps a map? I trust you don't need one to find your seats."

They quickly sit and the rest of the class goes on without a hitch. We end up transfigurating a pin cushion into a porcupine. Only Hermione and I end up succeeding in doing so.

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