Chapter 33

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i cant read any harry potter fanfics with male reader anymore. i set my expectations too high by re-reading my own while i proofread🥲 also i got a burst of inspiration. its a miracle✨

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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A few days later Hermione is making us bring books to her in the Infirmary. Harry and Ron are carrying them there but why do such a thing when I can use magic.

I stand over a pile of books and cast, "Wingardium Leviosa."

Walking out of the Library, and to the Infirmary. I drop the books on her bed, and the boys come in behind me.

Hermione walks towards us and instructs, "Oh, good. Put those anywhere."

Her space being so full of books leaves no "anywhere" to put them. They drop the books and I grimace at this.

"Madam Pince asked that we relay a message to you, Hermione: She'd really appreciate it if you'd leave a few books for the rest of the school." Ron tells Hermione.

Very on brand, she states, "I've got to keep up haven't I?"

"This is much more than keeping up, Hermione." I say amused.

Her tail twitches up behind her where we can all see it.

Ron asks, "Is that thing ever going away?"

Seeming to know what he's talking about Hermione responds with, "Any day now according to Madam Pomfry. I'm just thankful I've stopped coughing up hairballs."

I cringe at the thought of such a thing and how gross it was to witness.

"We all are, believe me." Ron assures her.

She changes the topic to more pressing matters, "Now. What about the Chamber of Secrets? Any new leads?"

"Not a single one. I've been trying to find out gossip when I sit with Adelaide at the Hufflepuff table too, but everyone is too scared of myself and Harry to talk about anything related to the Chamber." I inform Hermione.

She asks Harry concerned, "And has it gotten any better? I anyone speaking to you?"

"Neville asked to borrow Tubeworm in Potions yesterday. I suppose that's something." Harry states melancholy.

Hermione gives him a sympathetic smile and looks as though she is going to say something.

But Ron spots a note sticking out from under Hermione's pillow, and with no regard for her privacy, picks it up and reads it out loud,
" 'To Miss Granger

Wishing you a speedy recovery.

From Your Concerned Teacher,

            Gilderoy Lockhart'

You sleep with this under your pillow?"

Hermione flushes and hurriedly tells us, "Of course not. I don't know how it got there. Now go. I still have six hundred pages to read in Transfiguration Through the Ages."

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