Chapter 11

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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The morning after, after Halloween, is the worst day for me. I wake up late from exhaustion caused by defeating a Mountain Troll and the stress of yesterday, my clothes are too small suddenly, probably from me growing talker overnight, and I have my first Quidditch match today.

I walk up to the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall and plop down unceremoniously next to Hermione, dropping my head onto the table.

"Are you alright Y/n?" Ron asks roughly, poking my cheek.

I swat away his hand and groan before replying, "So many things are already going wrong with my day. This will only make me worse later and I'll end up ruining the game."

Hermione hits my shoulder and scolds me, "Don't say that, you're making Harry feel more nervous along with yourself! Plus, you will do amazingly, if you just trust your instincts and stay focused."

I sigh and grumble in agreement, getting some meat to keep me energized for the match. (If you don't eat meat, you just ate a vegetarian meal with protein) I mean I heard the protein helps you a lot when working out.

"See Harry! Even Y/n is eating, you should eat something before your match." Hermione nags Harry.

Rons agrees with Hermione, "Yeah mate, just a bit of toast at least."

Harry shrinks under there gazes, responding, "I'm not hungry."

I sigh and tell him, "Not eating will not help us win, Harry. You'll be more successful if you have some food in you."

I put some bacon, eggs, and toast on his plate and put it down in front of him.

Harry smile slightly at me, "Alright. Thanks, Y/n"

I grin back at him, ignoring that strange feeling in my chest and see Ron wiggling his eyebrows at me. I scowl at him and turn back to my food.

Without me noticing Professor Snape walks up to us, "Good luck today, Potter, Merlin. Then again, now that you've both proven yourselves against a troll, a little game of Quidditch should be easy work for you...even if it's against Slytherin." Snape turns on his heel to walk away but stops short, looking back at me and adding on, "I almost forgot, Merlin...your Father told me to say on his behalf to see to it that Gryffindor wins. Also, he left a he broom for you in the locker room"

I nod and tell him, "Thank you for telling me Professor, I wish good luck to Slytherin as well."

He nods and walks off with a slight limp... Strange.

"That explains the blood." Harry states.

I look to him and ask, Does his limp have to do with him covering his leg last night after you looked at it?"

Harry nods at me and addresses us all, "Listen, last night, I'm guessing that Snape let the Troll in as a diversion so he could try and get past that three headed dog. But, he got himself bitten, that's why he's limping."

"If I'm correct the dog is guarding something right?" I ask.

Hermione answers me, "Yeah, how'd you know? You weren't there when I told them both about the trapdoor the three headed dog is guarding."

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