Chapter 102

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i dont remember most of the plot in this book anymore lol and i regret most of it🫠

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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It's a new, nice day in Hogsmeade. Hermione leads us through the town, the streets swarming with people, mostly students. Not giving us even the slightest clue of where our destination is.

Which leads to Harry, the ever curious, asking her this, "Where are we going, Hermione?"

She decides to not answer and guides us to a slightly seedy pub, the sign reading 'The Hog's Head'. It is a place I have never been to, nor have I seen it before. This place seems much too run down for me to have ever been made aware of it by anyone previously.

" 'The Hog's Head', Hermione?" Ron says, unimpressed with the surprise.

I would have to agree with that sentiment, especially considering the fact that we are unable to legally drink yet.

Hermione heads towards it, we follow her with slight hesitation.

Hermione tells us, excitedly, "Come on, I'll explain in a minute."

I follow her lead and enter the pub, finding a bunch of other familiar students my age, all crowding one corner in the dimly lit place. The rest of the pub has grimy, shady wizards and witches sitting around.

The bunch of people include Dean Thomas, Neville Longbottom, Lavender Brown, Parvati and Padma Patil, Cho Chang... , Luna Lovegood, Katie Bell, Alica Spinet, Angelia Johnson, Colin and Dennis Crervey, Ernie Macmillan, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Hannah Abbott, Antony Goldstein, Micheal Corner, Terry Boot, Ginny Weasley, Fred and George Weasley, Kiara and Christopher Merlin, Lee Jordan, Zacharias Smith, Susan Bones, and five other people who I do not recognize.

Of course Cho has to be here. I must maintain my uncaring and unfazed facade though. That harlot can die for all I care, my focus must be on being perfect, like I always have to be, and finding out just what Hermione is up to. I also have to keep calm, even though Christopher and Ginny are holding each other and being adorable.

"Hermione, what's going on?" Harry asks Hermione before I have a chance to.

She simply explains to us, "These are some people I mentioned my Defense Against the Dark Arts idea with."

I sigh and shake my head with a slight smile. What a reckless, yet brilliant idea. I would expect nothing less from someone such as Hermione. Sharing her intentions of finding a place to practice the Dark Arts is a dangerous and courageous act.

Hermione sits down with everyone else, us boys following her movements and taking our own seats.

"You mean about teaching ourselves?" Harry questions Hermione.

Neville greets Harry, in a happy, but nervous way, "Hey, Harry."

"Hey, Neville." Harry casually responds.

Luna tells Harry, in the dreamy way she always speaks, "It's good to see that the Horn Snorkle Stacks haven't gotten you yet, Harry."

Harry mimics the how I feel inside with the confused look on his face.

"Uh... Same to you, Luna." Harry states, still somewhat puzzled.

I'm glad to see so many peers here that share our same sentiments and believe that Voldemort is back.

Hermione beats the table to silence everyone.

Hermione's begins her introduction, "Hi, everyone. I thought it would be good if we met and talked over how we wanted to teach ourselves the Dark Arts... Because we need to learn it properly, not the rubbish Umbridge is doing."

"Hear, hear!" Fred interrupts Hermione with his cheers.

Hermione continues her speech after smiling at Fred, "Obviously, this will help us pass our O.W.L.s, but more importantly, it gives us the ability to protect ourselves from...Lord Voldemort."

Several people jump and wince at the sound of the Dark Lord's name. I hold Hermione's gaze, proud of her for finally being able to say his name. She takes a shuddering breath, looking exhilarated.

"That's the first you've said his name." Harry states, surprised.

Hermione looks pleased.

Zacharias inquires us all, "How do we know You Know Who's really back?"

I scoff and say heavily, "Because he killed Cedric. Why does no one remember the student who he killed? You are a blind imbecile if you can not see the obvious facts in front of you. Our Minister of Magic is fooling you, our teachers our fooling you, the Ministry is fooling you. If that is not all acknowledged by you, then I hope to Merlin that Lord Voldemort gets y-"

"Y/n!" Hermione cuts me off indignant at my rant.

My scowl fades into a look of regret.

I sigh and state, "Just... I'm sorry, I lost my temper. I do not stand by my last part, but I do for the rest. Harry has suffered horribly because of that monstrous wizard. I have watched one of my best friends go through unimaginable pain and misery from Voldemort, and now...even his friends, peers, and so many other's hate him for experiencing all of this and not staying silent. We need to face the music, Voldemort is back and he will not stop until we all bend to his will or die. I, for one, will not do either without a fight. And I'm hoping you all agree with me. All of us together, can fight for our lives, for our legacies, and for the future of all of Wizardkind. If my little speech does not convince you to join in the fight against the Dark Lord...then leave."

I sit back down and force myself to maintain a confident aura, holding people's stares, and trying to hide my blush at Harry's appreciative expression. Merlin's beard, that man is so adorable.

"Well...anyway...uh, I think that in order to learn properly we'll need a teacher." Hermione concludes.

Well, that one's blatantly obvious.

Neville speaks up, "But we're all students. None of us has yet to-"

"Two people here have." Ginny declares.

Wait what.

Trying to save myself from having to take up more responsibilities, I state, "I would like to nominate Harry, he's the only one here who's gone toe to toe with Voldemort. And Ginny, I have only fought a Dark Wizard, not the worst of them all."

Ginny rolls her eyes at me downplaying all of the times I have fought side by side with Harry.

"How about we both teach them? Then the work will be more manageable and more people can get help from one of us." Harry suggests, much to my dismay.

The shy smile he gives me and slight redness of his cheeks really softens my resolve.

"...Fine. But we will need time to practice our lessons and our own spells before a class." I say, run over ideas in my head.

Hermione and Ginny regale all Harry and I's adventures to prove that we are both qualified, while I just stare at Harry and he stares back at me.

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