Chapter 110

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yall i have a a slytherin.😣😔

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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There is silence as we all stare at Grawp.

"Haggar!" Grawp wails an approximate version of Hagrid's name.

There is another stretch of silence. Then Grawp notices Harry.

Grawp then yells, "Harry! Where's Haggar?"

The Centaur point their bows at Grawp.

"Grawp, help us!" Harry asks Grawp.

Grawp exclaims, "Grawp save Harry!"

I'm still not sure if this is was good idea or not. Too late to go back now, though. Curse me and my crazy plans.

Grawp reaches out for us and the Centaurs let their arrows loose. They pepper Grawp across the face and chest. He roars in agony and begins stomping on the ground, as if trying to squash all of the Centaurs, causing them all to scatter and let go of Harry and I.

I swiftly grab Harry's hand and drag him away from the commotion.

As we depart, we hear Grawp roar one last time, "I WANT HAGGAR!"

Harry and I reach the end of the Forest and stop to catch our breath.

"Great plan, Y/n." Harry tells me.

I scoff and say, "Almost barely. Not my best work I must say."

"What are we supposed to do now?" Harry inquires me.

"That's just we were wondering." Ron states, coming up to us with Ginny, Hermione, Christopher, Luna, and Neville.

I look to them all surprised.

Ron asks us, "So, how do we get to the Ministry?"

Hermione tosses us our wands and states, "I'd imagine we should fly."

"We've got no brooms." Harry says confused.

Luna informs us wistfully, "There are other ways to fly." She nods in the direction of the Forest before continuing, "I mean, they can fly, and they're very good at finding places you need to go."

I look the direction she nodded to and see four Thestrals watching us all. Some people find comfort in these creatures but they creep me out mostly. I would rather not be reminded of the thing that tortures me day and night.

"What are those?" Harry asks Luna.

Ron questions Harry, "What are what?"

Ron looks right at them and does not see them.

"There's nothing there, Harry." Hermione says puzzled.

"Yes here is. They're Thestrals. You can't see them unless you've seen someone die." Luna explains to them.

Neville quietly tells us, "I can see them too."

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