Chapter 29

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should i make the cover of this book more serious? i literally made this public impulsively and was unprepared. also heyyyyy im back babes😍💅✨

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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I stand out in the hallway and the adrenaline wears off, leaving me exhausted. As soon as I showed Madam Pomfry Harry's arm, she ordered me to set him down, then shooed me away. Someone clears their throat in front of me. I look up and see Father.

After straightening myself I look him in eyes and ask him, "Hello, Father. What is it you need?"

"You did a perfect job out there, certainly did the Merlin name proud. But that is not what I came to you for. You owl just died, yes?" I nod my head in response he continues, "I have purchased you a less expendable pet, and a better one for your image." Father tells me, handing off a crate, then striding off without a farewell.

...That was...unusual. But I suppose it would look bad if I did not have a Familiar. I rush off to my Dormitory and set down the crate. Sitting crisscross in front of it, I slowly take off the black cloth covering the crate. Then, I open said crate's door. A tiny black kitten tumbles out clumsily, I guess this cat is not as majestic as Father hopes them to be. The cat has sky blue eyes and dark night fur. I pick them up and check the crotch region, a girl. Perfect, male cats are often aggressive. She starts to purr and rub her head against my hand. Oh Merlin, why did I not get a cat to begin with. I'm in love. I cradle her in my arms like a baby. Surprisingly she loves it.

"Hello, little one. All you need now is a name, how about...Nyx. She's the Greek Goddess of the the Night, so the name ought to suit you perfectly." I tell her and coo at how she meows happily.

Nyx climbs onto my shoulder and buries herself against my neck. I walk around to see if she falls off or tries to leave. Seeming very content with just staying there, I think it is save to just keep her there for now. I walk back towards the Infirmary in hopes to see how Harry is now, but a flashing light blinds me first. Nyx, hisses and hides her head. My vision clears and I see the ever annoying Colin.

"I heard you brought Harry here! How did you not get tired after doing so much while playing?! Your strength is amazing Y/n!" Colin gushes getting in my face.

He notices Nyx and asks, "When did you get a cat? I thought you had an owl."

I look at him detached and state simply, "She died."

"O-oh. I'm so sorry." He stutters out.

I tell him, "Did you kill her? No. So do not be sorry. As for the cat question earlier, my Father gifted it to me."

He writes this all down, which is so incredibly creepy.

"If that is all, I will be on my way now. I have to go to see Harry." I say, brushing past Colin and swiftly disappearing from his sight.

Letting out a sigh of relief to be freed from that creep, I continue walking and make my way into the Infirmary. Only to be immediately shooed back out. I sigh deeply. Maybe I should try and say hello to Kiara and Christopher.

I spend the rest of my day gossiping with my siblings and Ginny. They all seemed more interested in Nyx then me though. I also noticed Christopher and Ginny blushing at each other and that is the kind of relationship I would approve of. I cannot imagine having to deal Draco even more if Kiara and him got together.

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A few days later Harry, Hermione, Ron, and I are in a dank dungeon room. I can practically taste the dust and staleness in this room from how old and unclean it is down here. Many students are here and it is annoyingly overcrowded. We are here because a dueling club was introduced a bit ago. Sadly, the club is run by Lockhart.

"Gather round! Gather round! Can everyone see me? Can you all hear me? Excellent. In light if the dark events of recent weeks, Professor Dumbledore has granted me permission to start this little Dueling Club, to train you all up in case you ever need to defend yourselves as I myself have done on several occasions. For full details, see my published works." Lockhart informs us, standing up on a dueling platform.

Merlim I hate this man. I'm standing next to Hermione as she drools over Lockhart. I glance around and notice some random kid talking to Harry excitedly. My stomach churns slightly and I look back at Lockhart, confused at why I still feel like this.

"Let me introduce you to my assistant, Professor Snape." Lockhart states.

Pff- assistant. Snape looks so mad at this.

"He has sportingly agreed to help me with a short demonstration. Now I don't want any of you youngsters to worry. You'll still have your Potions Master when I'm through with him, never fear!" Lockhart announces with a flourish.

He has got charm I will admit but too bad he does not have the skill or the intelligence to match it.

Lockhart and Snape stand in the middle of the platform. They look at each other and bow, before turning around and walking ten paces. They then spin with their wands poised like swords.

Lockhart tells us, "As you can see, we are holding our wands in the accepted combative position. On the count of three, we will cast our first spells. Neither of us will be aiming to kill, of course."

I mumble absentmindedly, "As if Lockhart could even do such a thing."

Hermione glares at me viciously, more so than she did before Father berated Lockhart publicly and exposed his lying. She has been adamant on staying mad at me for what that nitwit said. Hermione has not been the smartest emotionally this year.

Lockhart starts the countdown, "One- Two- Three— "

Snape does not hesitate, as soon as Lockhart says three he quickly casts, "Expelliarmus!"

A red dazzling light shoots from his wand and knocks Lockhart off his feet and into the wall behind him.

Lockhart rises unsteadily and tries to make up some excuse for his lack of skill, "Well, there you have it. That was a Disarming Charm. As you see, I've lost my wand."

"And his footing as well." I whisper to Ron, making fun if the bloody idiot.

Hermione picks up Lockhart's wand and hands it to him. She better thank us later on for staying friends with her through her support of this absolutely delusional man.

He accepts his wand from her and says, "Ah, thank you, Miss Granger. Yes, an excellent idea to show them that, Professor Snape, but if you don't mind me saying so, it was very obvious what you were about to do. If I had wanted to stop you it would have been only too easy..."

Except it was not obvious at all what Snape was going to do, and I duel often, so I would know.

Snape somehow dealing with his blatant lie states, "Perhaps it would be prudent to first teach them how to block unfriendly spells, Professor."

I smile devilishly at Snape, that was such a hidden insult that the idiot of a man did not even understand it. Even though any normal grown adult would understand it. He catches my smile and slightly smirks. I have crafted a temporary alliance with him now, I suppose.

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