Chapter 8

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im going back and editing these chapters instead of writing chapter 73 but why are these so bad??? i wrote them like four months ago, how am i just noticing all of the mistakes

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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I cannot get a read on McGonagall's emotions, her face is showing nothing. She asked us to follow her and now we've been walking for a bit, Harry and I with no clue where we are going.

She leads us up to Professor Quirrell's classroom and tells us, "Both of you wait here."

Before going in and coming back out with Oliver Wood.

"Potter, Merlin, this is Oliver Wood. Wood I have found you a Seeker and a Chaser!" McGonagall exclaims excitedly.

"Wait I never agreed to this! I can barely ride a broom!" I yell out.

This cannot be a good idea, I mean I am terrified of flying for Merlin's sake!

She turns to me and says with a cat like grin, "You will take the position if you wish to not be in grave trouble."

I deflate and accept my fate, "Yes, Professor."

McGonagall then proceeds to tell us everything we need to know with Wood chirping in here and there.

Any hopes of a calm year has been thrown out the window now.

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Ron, Harry, and I are walking down a hallway chatting when Sir Nicholas flys his transparent self over us while saying, "Have you heard? Harry Potter's the new Gryffindor Seeker and Y/n Merlin the new Chaser. I always new they would both do well."

He flys away and I question in my head whether or not he knew he was talking to Harry and I about ourselves.

Ron turns to us and geeks out, "Seeker and Chaser? But first years never make their house teams! You guys must be the youngest Quidditch players in..."

Harry chimes in, "A century, according to McGonagall."

The Weasley twins walk over to us. I still can barely tell the difference between the two.

"Hey, well done, Harry and Y/n, Wood's just told us!" Fred congratulates us.

Ron turns and tells Harry and I, "Fred and George are on the team, too, Beaters."

They must be unstoppable with their shared brain and creepy twin telepathy. Thank Merlin Kiara and Christopher are not like them.

George tries to scare us saying, "Our job is to make sure that you don't get bloodied up too bad. Can't make any promises, of course. Rough game, Quidditch."

I can practically feel the blood drain from my face, I wish I had just taken the punishment instead of this. I don't regret catching Harry but at least if I had not I would not have to do this.

Fred sees my reaction and it only fuels him on as he continues with a false solemness in his voice, "Brutal. But no one's died in years. Someone will vanish occasionally..."

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