Chapter 46

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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It's later in the night, the sky is turning dark and the lights above us are dim. All of us changed into our school uniforms. Harry has just explained what Mr.Weasley told him, although I already knew this, I was with Father when Mr.Malfoy told him of this. Though, they both looked much too pleased that the man escaped and has a vendetta against Harry.

Ron looks bewildered and repeats Harry, but posed as a question, "Let me get this straight. Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban to come after you?"

"I swear we can never have a normal year at Hogwarts." I complain, annoyed.

Harry rolls his eyes at me answers Ron, "Yes."

Hermione asks sounding frightened, "But they'll catch Black, won't they? I mean...eventually?"

"Seeing how our luck has been, I highly doubt it. That raving lunatic escaped Azkaban, who knows what he's capable of." I state with a dead tone.

The bloody weirdo will be dealt with, by us later on this year, most likely.

Hermione opens her mouth to scold me most likely, but never gets to when our compartment rattles, the lights flicker, and the train slowly comes to a stop. I take my wand out and look around on guard. The halting process causing Hermione to lean into Ron, she pushes upwards and they awkwardly avoid each others eyes. Hermione checks her watch and frowns.

"Why're we stopping? We can't be there yet..." Hermione says, utterly confused, just like the rest of us, well besides the sleeping man next to me.

Harry gets up, and slides the compartment door open, peering into the corridor. Then the train jerks, our compartment sways, and the lamp lights flicker...until everything is shrouded in darkness. The lights went out.

I sit for a moment then cast, "Lumos."

My wand produces white light from the tip and suddenly it's not so dark, still not bright but at least it's not entirely dark.

Ron wonders out loud, "What's going on?"

A thin wisp of steam exits Ron's mouth, now what in the name of Merlin, was that? From the look on Harry's face he seems to have noticed it too, which means I didn't imagine that happening.

Harry replies to Ron, "Dunno... Maybe we've broken down?"

"Ouch! Ron, that was my foot!" Hermione scolds him.

Ron begins to wipe the...condensation off the window. Why is there condensation? Last I checked the weather was not cold or rainy enough to cause such a thing. I lean over the man and wipe the strangely, very cold window around his head. There's dark floating silhouettes, Dementors. Not surprising, since they guard Azkaban, they are probably searching if Black is on the train. I feel a bit more at ease knowing this. I mean as at ease you can be, if you know what the creature can do to you. The Dementors would also explain the cold, they bring along with them a chilling a cold atmosphere. Although, I cannot be sure it is Dementors with how foggy and dark it is now because of whatever or, whoever are surrounding the train.

Ron does not come to the same conclusion, "There's something moving out there. I think...people are coming aboard."

Our compartment sways violently, I grip the edge of my seat with one hand and my wand with the other. Something is wrong, terribly wrong and I have a feeing Harry will be hurt. Then suddenly the compartment rights itself, and the metal on the windows begins to vibrate. Well if this man can sleep through this, than I truly think he might be dead. As if he heard me, he suddenly rights himself and a flame blooms from his wand, most likely to keep us warm from the cold of the Dementors. In the light his looks tired and gray, his eyes are alert and wary.

Oh my Merlin, that mustache is atrocious. Why do men do just a mustache? It never looks good. his looks like two small caterpillars have made a home above his lips, truly a horrible look for him.

He speaks in a stern voice, "Don't. Move."

Well then, I guess I won't be moving. Nyx begins to shiver and burrows further into my robe, looking for warmth. Poor kitty, but I cannot move, so I cannot help her. A hand, slimy and scabbed, a hand of death, grips the half open compartment door and pushes it open.

A Dementor, but holy shit, it looks so terrifying and disgusting, like a decayed body that was dug up and is only purpose now to suck the life out of people. This is the reason why Azkaban is a place where the worst of the worst are placed, to slowly and painfully have the life sucked from them, until they are nothing more than a husk of a person, soulless and empty.

They must be checking every compartment for Sirius Black. Nyx's hairs raise and she hisses, digging her claws into my neck. I let out a stifled groan of pain and try to stay still. A chill rattling intake of air comes from the Dementor.I can feel the life draining from me, a feeling of hopelessness and depression following. Is it going to leave now? Obviously the criminal isn't here, why is it still here? The flame in Lupin's flame starts to sputter. My brain is screaming at me to do something, anything. I rack my brain for how to get rid of Dementors, I come up with nothing. This is far too advanced for me. Lupin is the professor who will teach exactly how to take care of this, I shall put my trust in him for now.

I look around at everyone else, worried. I catch the sight of Harry's eyes rolling back into his head, eyelids fluttering. His jaw goes slack and thin white line of light begins to flow from his mouth, into the Dementor's hood. It's sucking the life out of him. I am going to rip whoever warranted this a new one. Harry's glasses fall hard onto the ground and the muscles of his jaw starting to twitch.

Some kind of bright light in the shape of an animal comes out of Lupin's wand, leaving a trail of light behind it. Somehow it scares off the Dementor. A minute or so after that all the Dementors leave and the lights turn back on, and the temperature goes back to how it was before. I put Nyx onto my lap and begin to pet her, trying to calm myself. The train begins to move again. Now it is just a waiting game for when Harry will wake.

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