Chapter 20

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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The next room is just a table and seven different potions, that vary in bottles and color. There is a parchment on the table as well. We walk into the room, as soon as the door closes, a purple fire springs up behind us and a black fire at the door in front of us. The same door we have to go through next. I silently walk up to the table and read what seems to be a riddle. I never struck Snape for someone who likes riddles.

'Danger lies before you, while safety lies behind.
The two of us will help you, whichever you would find.
One among us seven will let you move ahead.
Another will transport the drinker back instead.
Two among our number only hold nettle wine.
Three of us are killers, waiting hidden in line.
Choose unless you wish to stay here evermore,
To help you with this choice, we will give you these clues four:
First, however slyly the poison tries to hide
You will always find some on nettle wine's left side;
Second, different are those who stand at either end,
But if you would move onwards, neither is your friend;
Third, as you see clearly, all are different size,
Neither dwarf nor giant holds death in their insides;
Fourth, the second left and the second on the right,
Are twins once you taste them, though different at first site.'

I sigh and get to work identifying each potion and scrutinizing the answer from what the riddle holds. Since the giant bottle is not poison and it is a twin to the second from the left, we know these two are nettle wine. Therefore, two of the poisons are to the left of these. The ones at each end are different and since we know the left end is poison, both nettle wines have been found, and it will not help you move onwards, the rightmost bottle sends you back. This leaves 2 bottles and we know the dwarf is not poison, so it must be the one to move ahead. Finally, the remaining bottle must be the third poison.

I turn to Harry after only a minute or two and state, "The purple bottle on the right end will let us go back, and the smallest blue potion will let us go forward. Fair warning both will force us to walk through fire. I would assume the potions will protect you from the flames, you will just feel the heat of the fire. Do you wish for me to continue with you? This is most likely the last chamber before the Stone."

I hand Harry the blue potion and look at him waiting for an order on what to do. Ironic considering that Ron made me King in the chess match.

He thinks intensely for a moment before responding, "Come with me, please. I will need the extra protection if Voldemort is there. Last time I was completely useless from the pain of my scar."

I nod and he drinks half of the blue potion, handing it to me so I can drink the rest. I down it in one gulp and immediately can feel like a thin sheet is clinging to me everywhere.

We cross through the fire and open the door. Walking down the steps in front of us. Halfway down Harry stumbles, clutching his scar. I steady him and we look up to see Professor Quirrell staring into the Mirror of Erised, which I assume was moved here are Dumbledore caught Harry using it.

"You?" Quirrell whips around to face us, "No. I-It can't be. Snape, h-he was the one—" Harry states in refusal.

"Yes. He does seem like the type, doesn't he? Next to him, no one would suspect p-p-p-poor st-stuttering Professor Quirrell?" Quirrell comments.

Harry says confused, "But-but that day, during the Quidditch match, Snape tried to kill me."

Quirrell laughs and reveals, "No, dear boy. I tried to kill you. And trust me, if Snape's cloak hadn't caught fire and broken my eye contact, I would have succeeded, even with Snape muttering his little Counter Curse."

I guess he took my words to heart when I told him of in my first potions class.

Harry looking regretful asks, "Snape was trying to save me?"

Quirrell bares his teeth and spits out, "I knew you were a danger to me right from the off. Especially after Halloween."

"You! You let the Troll in on purpose and played it off as a poor weak victim." I state giving him an icy glare.

He sighs and happily answers, "Ever the genius, Merlin. Yes, I did. Snape, unfortunately, wasn't fooled. While everyone was running around in the Dungeon, he went to the Third Floor to head me off. He, of course, never trusted me again."

He turns towards the mirror and this causes Harry's scar to burn... The correlation is not lost on me. I am too terrified of the clearly unstable man, striking us, until Dumbledore arrives to rescue us.

"He rarely left me alone. But he doesn't understand. I'm never alone, never. Now, what does this mirror do? I see myself holding the Stone. But how do I get it?" Quirrell continues spilling his plans and life story of this year, not knowing he is already doomed.

A inhuman voice speaks, "Use the boy."

"No, I cannot be right." I mumble to myself in disgust, disbelief, and fear.

Harry looks around confused on where this voice is coming from. But I know where. I know why he wears such an extravagant hat and why he is never alone. Why Harry's scar only burns when Quirrell turns around.

Quirrell quickly takes out his wand and points it at me casting, "Incarcerous!"


A thick rope binds my hands and feet together, sending me tumbling down the steps. My head cracks against the ground and my visions fogs up. bring my binded hands up to head and feel it. I feel the part of my head where I hit, the skull its gone... I can feel the skin dip down, I shattered that small section of my skull. My hands come back slick with blood. I start to sob in fear and sudden pain.


"Y/n!" Harry screams out in horror.

"Come here, Potter. Now!" Quirrell yells at Harry.

The loud sound only made the fog in my brain worse and thicker. I am going to die, I can feel it and it is terrifying. I want my Mom, I want her here to hold me and tell me I will be okay and my life will not end here on a cold stone floor, alone and ignored. I have so much I want to do, I'm too young to die. I only start to cry harder from this. The crying worsens my condition and I feel my consciousness slip from my grasp, the harder I try to stay awake. Until finally, there's just darkness.

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