Chapter 115

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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Lots of things have happened so far in the year, Harry got a Felix Felicis potion in his extra potions class with Hermione and Ron. It's, in simple terms, liquid luck. I can imagine that it will come very handy with Voldemort and his army out there. Harry also came to me horribly embarrassed due to Dumbledore asking of our relationship and saying that they both have their romantic interests in common. Which...I did not expect. Along with telling me about Professor Slughorn having a past close relationship with Voldemort. So, many things have happened.

I stand in this current moment on the Qudditch Field with Harry, in our uniforms. Harry's the new Gryffindor Captain and has asked me to help him get used to his role, with my experience in leadership.

There are many aspiring students waiting for tryouts to start, chatting away.

"All right! Queue up! Excuse me..." Harry tries and fails to get everyones attention.

"SILENCE!" I shout authoritatively.

Everyone listens and I gestures to Harry, their attention falling on him. Harry smiles and nods to me in thanks.

Harry says, "Thanks. All right. This morning I'll be putting you all through a few drills for Y/n and I to assess your strengths. But know this, just because you made the team last year does not guarantee you a spot this year."

I already gave Harry a show of my strengths in private... That sounds wrong, I just did the drills in a private session beforehand, that's it. Not that I would not mind-... No, such thoughts are not suited for this moment.

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The drills begin and Ginny flies swiftly, handling the Quaffle with ease. Then two second years collide mid air. Cormac makes a brilliant save and Ron makes a more shaky one.

Katie Bell snatches a Quaffle with one hand, splits two defenders beautifully, and makes a slick behind pass to Dean who jets high in the air, then lets the Quaffle roll right out of his hands and down into Ginny's hands as she races below.

Seamus sends a Bludger rocketing into the stands, scattering a group of onlookers. Two third years abruptly collide in the air.

Cormac makes an amazing save and Ron turns the wrong way, but makes the save anyway as the Quaffle caroms off the tail of his broom.

Demelza Robins, bent low over her stick, pins the Quaffle under her chin, and splits two Bludgers and a pair of Beaters.

Two aspiring Beaters whiff on a pair of Bludgers, whack each other instead and plummet to the pitch as the Bludgers ricochet off one another and go flying into the stands, sending onlookers scattering once again. It must be quite terrifying to be the students watching the tryouts.

Cormac makes a perfect save and the Quaffle bounces off of Ron's head. Ron's performance being horrible today is not good, since Cormac is amazing and is going for Ron's position.

Another pair of students collide mid air.

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