Chapter 111

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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Hermione draws a flaming X over the door we just went into. Harry moves to the next door, this time the door's locked.

He raises his wand and casts, "Alohomora!"

"Whatever's in there, the Ministry sure doesn't want anyone getting to it." Harry states.

He opens the door and steps in, everyone going in after him. The room is full of clocks

Harry excitedly exclaims, "This is it! Come on!"

Moving through the clocks, Harry leads us to the end of the room, where another door lies.

"This is it. This is where Sirius is!" Harry states happily.

He opens the door and charges through, we follow after him with caution. Gripping my wand tightly, I survey the room. The room is gigantic, with rows and rows of shelves. On every shelf are dozens and dozens of golden orbs and the room is lit by blue flamed candles.

Harry confidently says, "He's in here somewhere."

Harry leads us down the center isle, peering down each row, leading us to the end. This end leads to a another wide, empty isle. Harry looks around in confusion.

"I don't think Sirius is here." Hermione tells Harry.

Ron stares at one of the orbs and asks Harry, "Harry, have you seen this?"

I look over where Ron is showing Harry an orb, it has Harry's name on it...along with Voldemort's. It reads ' S.P.T. to A.P.W.B.D. : The Dark Lord and (?) Harry Potter '

"'s got your name on it." Ron informs Harry.

Harry reads the inscription.

Harry then reaches for it, questioning, "What's my name doing here?"

"Don't touch it, Harry!" Hermione orders him swiftly.

Harry glares at Hermione and asks her, "Why not?"

"Harry, perhaps it would be better if you did not touch the mysteriously creepy orb with your name on it." I say with a raised eyebrow at his lack if thought going into touching the orb.

Harry yells at me, "It's got my name on it!"

He ignores our warnings and takes the orb off the shelf, looking at it.

"I warned you before that one day you would come to a sticky end, Potter." A masculine voice states from in the shadows.

Lucius Malfoy steps out from the darkness, cloaked in black. Two dozen other Death Eaters emerge around him. We are surrounded and outnumbered. Well, shit.

Harry demands them to answer him, "Where's Sirius?"

Lucius and several other Death Eater's laugh...for some reason one of those feminine laughs seem familiar. My face pales and I realize...he was never here, was he? It is a trap.

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