Chapter 117

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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Ron, Hermione, Harry, and I leave The Three Broomsticks. The snow seems to be falling more heavily than earlier. Harry, Ron, and I walk ahead, Hermione happily pirouetting while letting snowflakes fall onto her tongue.

"But I'm worried about her. Did you hear that rubbish she was talking about back in the pub? Her and me snogging. Ha. As if..." Ron says, trailing off at the end.

I roll my eyes at him. The audacity of this boy in confounding.

I raise my eyebrow in curiosity at Leanne yelling at Katie Bell up ahead.

Leanne nags Katie worriedly, "Katie. You don't know what it could be!"

The snows drifts around them as they argue. Katie holds a slender package in her hands, that must be what they are arguing over.

Hermione comes bumping up to us and throws her arms over Ron and I's shoulders, asking, "What's up?"

At that very instant, Katie rises six feet into the air. Hair dancing violently in the wind, her face remains eerily placid. Then, she screams. I quickly rush forward and grab her ankles, beating Ron and Harry to helping Katie. At my touch she falls onto the snow covered ground, thrashing and shrieking, eyes rolled up into her skull. Ron and Harry dash over to try and help.

"I warned her! I warned her not to touch it!" Leane cries desperately.

I tell Ron and Harry, "Guys, she's swallowing her tongue-"

"I'll get someone-" Hermione starts.

She is cut off by Harry yelling, "There's no time!"

Suddenly, a massive figure lurches out of the white. Hagrid, thank Merlin.

"Get back! All o' yeh!" Hagrid forcefully orders.

We swiftly comply, getting up and backing away from Katie.

Effortlessly, Hagrid scoops up Katie's thrashing body and then, as if calming a terrified animal, presses his face close to hers and whispers with tenderness, "Now, now. Now, now..."

He soothingly repeats this over and over, until Katie's lids flutter closed and her body goes limp. That was one bloody horrible curse.

"Don' go touchin' tha' but by the wrappin's. Unnerstan'?" Hagrid instructs Harry.

Hagrid nods darkly to the package in the snow. Harry kneels and looks for a moment at the contents of the package, then takes off his scarf and wraps the package, he picks it up and stands upright. We then begin our trek through the raging snow storm back to Hogwarts Castle.

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Later Ron, Hermione, Harry, Leanne, and I are sitting in McGonagall's Office. The jade necklace that was in the package Katie opened is sitting on McGonagall's desk, glittering in the light of the room.

"You're sure Katie did not have this in her possession when she entered The Three Broomsticks, Leanne?" McGonnagall inquires Leanne.

Leanne answers truthfully, "It's like I said. She went to the loo and when she came back she had the package. She said it was important she deliver it."

Deliver it? If the package was important and needed to be delivered then why did Katie open it?

"Did she say to whom?" McGonagall asks, not connecting the dots like I have.

Leanne shakes her head.

McGonagall dismisses Leanne, saying, "All right, Leanne. You may go." As Leanne exits, McGonagall turns to us and exasperatedly asks us, "Why is it always you four? Hm? When something happens?"

I wonder the same thing most days.

"Believe me, Professor, I've been asking myself the same question for six years." Ron states.

Just then, Snape appears at the door of McGonagll's Office, eyeing the four of us.

McGonagall greets him, "Severus."

"Is this it?" Snape inquires, looking at the jade necklace.

McGonagall nods. Snape takes out his wand and uses magic to lift the necklace for him so he does not touch it. He eyes the necklace with fascination.

McGonagall questions Snape, "What do you think?"

"I think Miss Bell is lucky to be alive." Snape bluntly informs McGonagall.

Harry blurts out, "She was cursed, wasn't she? I know Katie. Off the Quidditch Pitch she wouldn't hurt a fly. If she was bringing that to someone she wasn't doing it knowingly."

Snape stares at Harry levelly.

"Yes. She was cursed." Snape tells Harry.

Harry says quickly, "It was Malfoy."

"That's a very serious accusation, Potter." McGonagall states.

"Indeed. Your evidence?" Snape demands.

Harry slowly replies, "I...just...know."

"You...just...know. Once again you astonished with your gifts, Potter, gifts mere mortals could only dream of possessing. How grand is must be to be the Chosen One." Snape mocks Harry sarcastically.

I send an icy glare to Snape. I must say though that his response was very good.

McGongall tells us, "I suggest you return to your Dormitories. All of you."

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I pull Harry back from the group, telling them to go ahead and that we will catch up. Harry looks at me confused with why I need to speak with him alone. I pull him into an aclove that hides us and clear my throat nervously.

"I- Well, I have been thinking...and I was wondering...if you would be like to be exclusive." I ask, feeling blood rush to my face.

Harry looks at me, still confused, "Exclusive?"

"Do not make me say it... I wish to be a couple, boyfriends, so to speak." I explain, looking away, flustered and uncomfortable with how vulnerable I am.

Harry places his hand on my cheek and turns my face back to face his. I swallow loudly, fearful of being rejected.

Harry gives me a goofy smile and tells me, with the reddest face, "I'd love to be your boyfriend, Y/n. I've been waiting forever for you to ask me."

I pull Harry close to my face ask him, "Can I kiss you?"

He nods and I lean in, connecting our lips. My entire body feels alight with joy and belonging. I want to be here forever, but we have taken too long here already.

I pull away from Harry and peck his cheek quickly. Grabbing Harry's hand and leading him back to our Dormitory, where Ron is waiting for us, looking confused at our happy and flushed faces.

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