Chapter 85

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ur fit for the Yule Ball bc i could not find anything better looking and it fits what the other Hogwarts male student wear to the Ball. also ginnys dress.

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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I walk towards my bed, passing Ron who is staring at my outfit longingly.

"You know, I asked you if you wanted me to buy you a formal outfit like mine, Ron. We could still get you one if I apparate us and grab a suit quickly." I offer placing away my school uniform, and petting Nyx as a goodbye for the night.

I stand behind Ron in the mirror he's using, fixing my cuffs.

Rom shaking his head grimly and states, "I don't want my Mom upset with me for not wearing these."

I  lightheartedly sigh, patting Ron on the back as I walk back to get my wand.

"Bloody hell..." Ron comments, staring at himself in dismay.

Not that I blame him. Ron's dress robes are atrocious and the style is very outdated. Harry enters the room then, his outfit being much more modern, not as much as mine, but still more so than Ron's. Harry still looks amazingly handsome though. My heart tugs slightly at the thought that he's not going to the Ball as my date.

Ron looks at Harry and complains, "Well now you both look all right! No lace! No dodgy little collar!"

"I expect yours are more...traditional." Harry tries cheering Ron up.

I chuckle and comment, "More like ancient. I'm sure not even my Father would have seen those being sold as a child."

"See! They're ancient! I look like my Great Aunt Tessie! Smell like my Great Aunt Tessie too. One of you murder me." Ron commands in anguish.

I laugh and pat Ron's arm as I head out to go meet Ginny. I meet with her in front of the entrance to the Great Hall.

"Ginny!" I call out for her, so she can see me through the crowd.

Ginny looks over and we rush up to one another. Her dress suits her perfectly. (i saw a pic of google of what i think is her dress for this but idk if she even went. also the dress was ugly like disney channel 2008 ugly so im changing it) She's wear a full length pale blue ballgown, with white embroidered flowers on the skirt. She has her hair up in an intricate bun and silver jewelry to match. Kiara did an amazing job at picking this dress.

I smile down at her, offering my arm as I say, "You look gorgeous, darling."

"You're looking pretty good yourself." Ginny replies taking my arm.

We have to wait to go in since I'm a Champion and they make a big spectacle of the Champions entering. Ginny and I waste our time by telling each other about funny childhood memories, of course Ginny was mostly talking about hers. I have enough of them to count on both hands... Okay, maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration, but I do not actually have that many good memories of my childhood before Hogwarts. During Hogwarts is a different story.

The other Champions arrive near the steps to the Hall. Cho and Cedric arrive, with Fleur coming behind them with no date. My face lights up when I see who comes next. Hermione and Krum walk towards Ginny and I, with Hermione looking gorgeous. She gives someone a little wave, I glance to whoever it was and find Harry looking shocked. As if he should be, Hermione's grown into a very pretty girl, one does not need to see her all dolled up to understand that.

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