Chapter 67

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damn mom dying is so good for character development🤩

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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The crisp morning air feels nice as I go on my morning run. I have taken to doing this so I can take out my anger and sadness. When we first got back, Father would get drunk and beat me over anything. I find that making no noise ruins the fun of it for him, he stops quickly after that, and goes to beat our staff of House Elves instead. Running and doing other work outs helps me forget about him. But so does honing in on my magic, and practicing until I feel as though I will pass out from exhaustion.

Mother's death has put a hole in my heart, one that might never disappear, but is slowly healing as I take care of Kiara and Christopher. The twins have grown up quickly, the death of Mother forcing them to. The facade drops when they are with me though, I hold them as they cry and spill out their problems to me. They took her death the hardest, but have been doing better than me since I have been giving them all the love and care they are missing.

I have grown up as well. I am fourteen now, towering over most teens my age. I'm in good shape too. My face structure is more sharp and my eyes are more mature. Nyx's cat adult size and elegance, match my own now. Father says I look more like a man, that might only be because I look a lot like him. It revolts me. As much as him teaching me how to do his job and act like him does as well.

I return home from my run and go straight to my Bathroom, that is connected to my Bedroom, showering and doing my morning routine. By the time I'm done the Sun has risen and I go back downstairs to eat breakfast with my family, before we leave for the Quidditch World Cup.

Sitting at my place on the right of Father I begin to eat my food and drink my coffee (if you dont like coffe its tea and if you dont like tea then you drink piss idk). Father comes in and sits, eating in silence, while he reads the Daily Prophet. The twins come in by the time I am almost finished, they sit to the left of Father and begin to eat. I pick up my lap napkin, place it atop my plate, then get up and leave.

Walking up stairs I finish my packing and double check that I have everything. Then sit on the bed and let Nyx take her normal place across my shoulders.

"Reina!" I call out.

Our head House Elf, Reina walks in and asks, "Yes, Young Master?"

I smile and politely ask her, well I suppose command her since she has no choice but to do what I ask of her, "Would you please bring my luggage in the Foyer, near the front door? Oh, and please do the same with Father, Kiara, and Christopher's things."

Reina nods and says, "Of course, Young Master."

She then snaps her fingers and more Elves come, they carry my luggage out and down to where I told them to. Before coming back and doing the same for the twins and Father. Father forced the twins to split up and have their own rooms this Summer. Much to their displeasure, but I think it us for the better. Kiara is growing and showing womanly features, it is only right she get her own room and privacy. Along with Christopher, morning surprises make for unsavory interactions if there is a sibling in the room.

I go down the stairs to see Father and the twins donning their coats, and I do the same, storing my wand in it after. We head inside our limousine and to the location of the Quidditch World Cup. The twins tried to ask not to go and I took the blame for them, and punishment. So that scared them into coming with Father and I.

The tent will be just us since Father has no siblings or relatives, because his Father killed them all to ensure his spot in power, and Mother was Lucius' younger sister. That also means, that I will have to deal with Draco, along with Kiara flirting with him in front of me. It will be a miracle if I do not beat him up for touching or flirting back at her. Thankfully I will lost likely be seeing my friends soon.

I miss them dearly, staying true to my words of sharing everything with Harry, I have in letters. He has helped me with the healing process and finding out how to take care of my siblings and to be there for them. I have been telling Hermione some of these things too, she has helped me greatly as well. not very good at these sorts of things so my letters to him have been more light hearted. Father threatened to blackmail and do other horrible things to Adelaide's family, so I broke it off with her, and told her we should not be friends either.

Since she's gone Father had taken to having every eligible pure blooded witch meet me and dangle the prospects of marriage in front of myself and her. Once he got desperate enough, Father even had Ginny come over. I took her into a separate room, first we got Kiara's consent, and we agreed to pretend that we wish to marry. So, now I will be able to see her and everyone during this event and at future ones... I already told Harry in a letter, his response was bland and short.

As our tent is being set up, Father goes to the Malfoy's tent right next to where ours will be, with Kiara.

I turn to Christopher and say apologetically, "I have to go find my friends and talk to them. I wish to visit Ginny, as well."

"Oh, that's alright. I was looking to read a bit anyways." Christopher tells me, diving into reading a book, like he does constantly these days.

I search around tents, having to look inside and apologize, an embarrassingly high amount of times. It seems they are not here yet. I set back to our, now set up, extravagant tent, as the Sun begins to set. I climb into our tent and join Christopher for dinner, because there is no way that I fill go eat dinner with the Malfoys. I walk off into my designated room, that's divided with cloth surrounding the space, and skip my nightly workout, not looking to be smelly for the rest of my time here. I sit on the bed and read up on Magical Beasts and pet Nyx while she's sleeping on my lap, loudly purring. I have taken to reading about this, since Mother wanted to work with Magical Beasts one day. Once it gets late, I put the book away and lay down, sleep taking over quickly.

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