Chapter 78

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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I'm walking with Ginny, Hermione, and a sullen looking Ron. I explained to him that I would trade places with him if I could and how sorry I am that I am in the Triwizard Tournament and he is not. I gave him space to think over his feelings and Ron forgave me after awhile. I'm guessing that he had another argument with Harry, because he's not upset about me.

Ginny and Hermione giggle at something they were gossiping about, Ginny tugging my hand slightly that she's holding by accident. These slight gestures of affection have become normal for us, no longer feeling as awkward as before. Do not get me wrong, it is still fake affection and all for show, but its almost second nature now.
Makes the relationship more convincing I suppose.

Ron leans over to Hermione and whispers something to her, Hermione looks a bit flustered for a moment, but quickly the look is gone and replaced with annoyance and exasperation. Hermione nods at Ron and walks over to Harry, who I had not noticed until now, is standing a few feet away from us in the Courtyard.

"What did you tell her?" I ask Ron, looking down at him.

Sometimes, with how much of our time together is spent sitting in class or in the Hall, I forget how much taller I am than the others. I smile to myself at the fact that I probably look like some upperclassman hanging out with kids much younger than me. My height, lean physique, and more mature facial bone structure probably make my age less believable. (sorry for describing the readers physical features so clearly. ive been trying not to so much so all of you can picture yourselves but im adding this in for plot witht fleur and show of him maturing and growing as a person)

Ron sighs and tells me, "Seamus told me that Dean was told by Parvati that Hagrid's looking for him... Oh! I almost forgot that Hagrid wants to see you too, Y/n."

"Hm. Alright. I'll head over to see him now. Bye Ginny, Ron." I state, kissing Ginny's head and walking off to Hagrid's Hut.

Walking down the hill towards Hagrid's Hut, I spy Hagrid waiting looking very happy with life. Most likely because of Madame Maxine, the guy's so obviously infatuated by her.

I jog down the hill and call out to him, "Hagrid!"

I wave at him and slow to a stop beside Hagrid. Hagrid grins at me and I do the same back.

"How have you been? I apologize for not being able to visit you so far this year. It seems that my life at Hogwarts is destined to be forever chaotic. Is Fang well?" I ask him, excited to be spending time with Hagrid again.

Hagrid heartily laughs and goes to answer but stops when he sees Harry arriving. My smile fades but I try to push away the lingering hurt at seeing Harry. He is still my friend, I cannot let my heart get in the way of still being a good friend for him. Trying to stick to this I wear a more calm happy face, smiling at Harry in greeting. He shows a more forced one in return.

Hagrid turns to us both and commands, "Follo' me."

He lead us into the Forbidden Forest, where I have not to been since the Unicorn incident in my first year. Seems like every day I get reminded of my past here. Makes me feel bittersweet, it's strange that it is all past me, but it makes me happy to see how much my friends and I have grown and gone through together, becoming stronger each year. I frown remembering that it is not the same this year, I have a feeling Ron and Harry will not be fixing their friendship any time soon.

We venture deeper into the trees, Harry eventually speaking up and asking Hagrid the question that's been floating around in my head, "Where exactly is it you're taking us, Hagrid?"

"Wouldn' be righ' if I tol' yeh tha', now would it, 'arry. Migh' find yeh and Y/n sneakin' out here on yer own one nigh'." Hagrid vaguely explains to us.

Harry looks around queasily, and nods in agreement as he says, "Oh yeah. That could happen..."

I fix my expression as Harry looks at me nervously, from what was a neutral look to a small reassuring smile. I know that Hagrid would never purposefully put us in danger, I trust him. If we are to get into trouble, I trust my own skill and talent to protect us. Almost as much as I trust Harry's luck at staying alive in deadly situations.

A man's shout shatters the silence of the Forest, followed by an ear splitting roar. Which I can easily recognize is a Dragon's. Hagrid gestures his hand for Harry and I to go ahead of him, to see what he brought us here for. The situation becomes clear to me when I see five giant slatted cages, surrounded by gangs of wizards. Inside of each cage, something huge, most likely a Dragon from the roar I heard, rages violently. This...this must be for the Triwizard Tournament. There is no other explanation for why they are here. I was hoping the first trial would be more easy.

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