Chapter 98

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i literally just got hyper fixated on stardew valley and sims 4. thats all im not dead lol.

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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I sit in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, next to an empty seat between Ron and I. Hermione sits on my other side, which is preferred to me so I could discuss with Hermione about this crazy woman that is teaching us. Although, I'm confused on the seating arrangement. Hermione and Ron insisted on me leaving an empty seat next to me for Harry, and having me sitting next to him.

As the class begins, the door opens revealing Harry walking in looking flustered. Everyone turns to look at him, I give him a sympathetic smile.

"Sorry, Professor..." Harry says, uneasily.

Umbridge smiles toad like at Harry and states, "Hmm, let's see, five points from Gryffindor for coming in late."

Harry frowns and sits down next to me.

"Now, as I was saying before Mr.Potter interrupted with his antics, your Defense Against the Dark Arts education has been rather fragmented and disjointed in your past classes, hasn't it?... Know now that this is about to be rectified. I will be following pre approved Ministry prepared, theory centered Defense lesson plan." Umbridge pointedly informs us.

She waves her wand at the board and her lesson gets written down.

She instructs us, "Copy this down."

I begin to write in my book and copy the words down. I notice Hermione shaking slightly and glance over at her, her hand high in the air and her book still lying there shut. Umbridge ignores her until nearly all of the class is staring at Hermione, her hand still raised above her.

Umbridge sighs and turns to Hermione, urging her to ask her question, "Yes?"

"I wanted to know something about your course aims." Hermione states, absolutely brimming with curiosity and confusion.

I gloss over the parchment detailing them, and I furrow my brows in confusion. What the bloody hell?

Umbridge inadvertently insults Hermione, when she says, "Well, they should be perfectly self evident."

"Well, I don't think they are. They say nothing about actually doing spells." Hermione responds with a sharp tongue.

Yes, that is exactly the part that is confusing me. If we are to learn about Defense Against the Dark Arts, don't we need to actually be able to do just that by being how to perform such spells?

Umbridge laughs outright at Hermione.

Umbridge simply tells Hermione, "I can imagine no circumstance in my class where you would need to use spells, my dear!"

Hah...Fudge you slimy toad. His plan is to have us learn nothing to defend ourselves against Voldemort. He's going to have us all slaughtered when Voldemort comes to kill all who will not bow down to him... Perhaps? No, no. I must be wrong. I shall perish the thought of a tragedy of that scale happening.

"But surely the whole point of Defense Against the Dark Arts is practical application?" Hermione questions Umbridge.

Umbridge asks Hermione in a condescending tone, "Miss Granger, this class has been approved by Ministry experts. Are you a Ministry expert?"

I clench my jaw and glare at Umbridge. For now the only viable plan is to carefully watch her, try to pinpoint a weakness, and wait for the perfect opportunity to strike. For now, I will have to keep my eye on her, while focusing on my studies as well.

"No, but-" Hermione tries to explain.

Umbridge cuts her off, stating pompously, "Then you have no business challenging those who are. We will be learning spells in a safe, risk free environment-"

"How we be able to perform the spells during our O.W.L.s? You expect us to execute the spells perfectly on our first tries? Would that not reflect badly on you and the Ministry when we all inevitably cannot cast the spells correctly?" I question Umbridge in a clear and concise way.

Harry loudly complains, "What good's theory in the real world?"

"This is school, not the real world, Mr.Potter. There is nothing out there waiting for you." Umbridge tells Harry.

I snort at the obvious lie. The woman ignores Hermione and I's exposing of obvious flaws in her plans, then goes and spouts out all of this nonsense. She clearly has it out for Harry.

"Professor. You still haven't even answered Hermione or my, concerns and instead scolded Harry. What good is knowing the spells and how to cast them on paper, if we cannot cast them physically? And what of Lord Voldemort? I watched a boy die and my own Father die by my hands because of that insane mass murderer. I wish to be able to survive him targeting Harry and everyone close to him." I explain to Umbridge in a calm and collected manner.

Umbridge's left eye twitches and she strains to keep her face in a professional small smile.

"The boy's death was a tragic accidents. As for your Father, thanks to the Boggart you saw last year, most know that he would beat you. Perhaps his abuse grew to trying to kill you." Umbridge states.

I clench my jaw in anger, and flush slightly in embarrassment. Her argument makes perfect sense and is truly believable. The only part I'm upset with is the fact that even someone who was not here to see my weakness, knows of it. They all know the horrible truth of my life.

I have been aware of the rumors because of that event. Many think Father just snapped and attacked me, some believe Voldemort is back, but a good amount of people think I did it out of revenge. They believe I murdered my Father in cold blood, without mercy. With this in mind, Harry is not the only student at Hogwarts who has had all of their admirers turn against them instantly. There is a reason to why I must act the part of a cold, closed off, head of the Merlin name this year. I must command back respect for the Merlin name.

Harry shouts at Umbridge, "It was MURDER! I saw it happen!"

Everyone goes still at his outburst.

"Mr.Potter, you have earned yourself a week's worth of detention.!" Umbridge informs Harry, strictly.

Harry scoffs and says, "Yeah, talk to somebody who cares. Voldemort killed Cedric, and you know it."

Umbridge snatches up a quill, scribbles down a note, and hands it to Harry.

"That goes to Professor McGonagall, dear." Umbridge states in a lilted tone.

Harry scowls and snatches the note, storming out of the classroom. Umbridge continues her lesson, and I try to pay attention, struggling as I worry about Harry.

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