Chapter 24

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MC turning gayer and gayer each year💪😼

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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Hermione and I walk off the train, in our robes, and follow everyone to the carriages that will pull us to Hogwarts. I pass Kiara and Christopher, and wink at them. Hermione and I board the carriages and she looks astonished for some reason, staring at the Thestrals pulling us. I almost forgot some people cannot see them.

I lean over and tell Hermione, "Thestrals are pulling us. Only some of wizard kind can see them, it's quite said since they look so amazing."

She looks at me shocked then asks, "You can see them?"

I nod and we continue our ride in silence, studying our surroundings the whole ride. Once we get off, we walk into the Great Hall. Harry and Ron are probably in deep trouble right now. I decided not to tell Hermione about seeing them, so I would not have her talk my ear off about them breaking the rules and most likely being expelled. We sit at the Gryffindor table and I ignore Dumbledore's speech and the hat ceremony until it's time for the twins to go up.

"Merlin, Christopher." Professor McGonagall calls out.

He glances at Kiara and she give him a big smile for encouragement, then takes a deep breath and walks up to the stool. Promptly sitting on it, and gripping the stool nervously.

The hat is placed on him and it takes a moment before yelling out, "RAVENCLAW!"

My face and his both drain of color as we realize what horrors Father will greet him with at home. He stumbles over to the table as they cheer.

"Merlin, Kiara."

She struts up to the stool and gracefully sits upon it.

The hat is place on her head and yells out quickly, "GRYFFINDOR!"

She beams and happily walks over to the tables they cheer loudly about having two Merlins. Kiara sits on my other side, since Hermione is on my one side. I put my arm around her shoulders and give her quick hug.

Leaning over and whispering to Kiara, "Congratulations, little sister. Let us hope that Father's punishment for Christopher is swift and painless."

Her smile drops a little and she nods. Going back to paying attention. I mentally prepare myself for this years drama while zoning out. Until Kiara squeals into my ear, as Ginny Weasley runs over and hugs Kiara tightly. They sit down together and chat animatedly. I glance at the Ravenclaw table and see Christopher looking over sadly. I catch his eye and smile, proud of him. He gives me a slight smile back, and I look away continuing to talk to Hermione and Neville. Mr.Filch who has been absent the entire time walks up to Dumbledore and McGonagall, whispering something urgently to them. It is most likely about Ron and Harry. I wonder where they landed, with their luck probably somewhere bad. After a little while, they all return along with Professor Snape who has not been at the feast until now. Harry and Ron come in as well, quickly walking over to the Gryffindor table and sitting across from us.

"Where have you two been?!" Hermione asks abrasively.

I sigh and answer, "Probably in trouble for using that flying car to get here. You both are lucky people on the train did not take photos of you both."

Ron sighs annoyed and states, "I bet we ran out of luck long ago. The pillar entrance for Platform 9 3/4 wouldn't let us through! So we did the next best thing, since we helped Harry escape his house he stayed with us. So getting the car was easy, driving it was a whole other problem. Bloody stupid is what it was."

After an explanation of Harry's entire Summer Hermione decided to let them both off the hook, also satisfied with their punishment, and I got to scar all of my friends with my Father's cruelness. Harry looks down uncomfortable and kept looking mad when I mentioned Adelaide, but I'm sure it's just because of how disturbing my Summer was. I cannot let myself think harder on my heart pounding while I study his face or his jealous look. I am too scared of the outcome if I do.

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Ron, Harry, and I enter our Dormitory. I unpack and get ready for bed, trying to ignore the burning feeling of Harry staring at me. I sit down at the window seat and start writing a letter to Adelaide apologizing and explaining my silence. I decide to also write an uplifting letter to Christopher as well, hoping to maybe raise his spirits. Maybe thinking of Adelaide will extinguish my terrifying feelings while I think of Harry.

I finish and give Frost my letters, opening the window and letting her leave.

I turn to Ron and tell him, "I hope Kiara tones down on her drooling over Draco this year. Poor Ginny has to hear about that disgusting weasel all the time most likely."

"Ugh, I can't imagine how horrible that would be." Ron says grossed out.

Harry adds on, "I bet you could call it torture."

We all laugh and I put away my writing tray and supplies. Getting into bed and drifting off to sleep.

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