Chapter 100

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we made it to 100🎉🎊 as a reward go check out my list and read dumbledore x reader. my little sister and i made it like two years ago. i promise its funny and not a cry for help. also heres more boots and my dog piper. and sorry for taking so long the new harry potter game is my life rn, ill make this chapter extra long for yall.

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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It's the next day and I have been informed that Ron has taken my old place as one of the Chasers on the team and I'm now the Keeper. Ron seems a bit sore at me being picked over him for the position, but I assured him that Chaser is just as important and that there's no better position in Quidditch. So, we are both still on good terms.

The appearance of Umbridge at Hogwarts worries me deeply, especially with how Harry came back last night from detention with her. I have taken to writing letters for Tonks, Sirius, Arthur, Molly, and Remus to inform them of everything that is going on. I made sure to instruct them to stand by for now, and that I will contact them when we need help.

Walking into the Owlry, I look up and notice Harry and Cho smiling warmly at each other. I simply hold my arm out and my new family owl, Helios, lands on my forearm. Tying my letters to his leg, I pet him and send Helios off. The silence is deafening. I turn around and lock eyes with the tramp, she looks at me with fear. Hmph. As she should.

"Chang." I say, nodding to Cho, my tone professional and unfeeling. (HELP I JUST REALIZED HOW RACIST HER NAME IS😭😭)

I address Harry with a smile and a warm voice, "Hey, Harry. You look even more handsome than usual today."

Harry's face lights up red with a shy smile, as Cho's own expression sours. I try to still my heart and push away the heat in my cheeks. Slyly winking at Harry, and walking out. I must have appeared to be completely calm and confident, when on the inside I feel as though I have been stripped of my clothing. Luckily, I'm a Gryffindor and having courage to show my sexuality in front of someone is something I do not lack. If I want a future with Harry, I must show him that I am not afraid of being public about who I am, about what I am.

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Ron, Hermione, Harry, and I are making our way back to the Castle. The boys and I dressed in our Quidditch robes which are caked with mud. Apparently, Ron is not too good at Quidditch... Which makes you question why Angelina even chose him to fill my place to begin with. He will just have to work harder and catch up. Harry briefs us on what Filch accused him of after I left the Owlry.

"What a load of rubbish! You, ordering Dungbombs. I mean, really." Hermione complains, exasperated that Filch would even suggest such a thing.

I, on the other hand, could totally see Harry doing that, just not him doing so and not telling us about it. He's not one to keeps pranks or jokes like that to himself.

Harry agrees, as if it is not something that he very much would do, "Yeah, it doesn't make any sense."

You guys are the ones making no sense. Acting like Harry is an angel. Still, Filch's actions are suspicious and a sign for caution. Either he's working with the Ministry, or someone working with Fudge misguided Filch. I would like to believe Filch is not sided with the Ministry or Voldemort, but it's best to doubt everyone else in these times.

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