Chapter 130

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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Harry, Hermione, and I trail after Ron until we reach a narrow doorway. Ron opens the doors and we all look into the room.

I glance around the cramped bedroom, looking fit for a House Elf or, god forbid if it actually was, a human indentured servant or slave. My eyes widen in confusion and shock at the eerie scrawlings and symbols of dark magic crudely drawn on the walls.

Hermione's voice holds the same dread and shock as I feel, as she comments, "Lovely."

Ron pulls the door shut. Affixed to the outside of said door is a small sign, it reads

'Do Not Enter
Without the Express Permission of
Regulus Arcturus Black'

"Regulus Arcturus Black...?" Hermione wonders aloud, trying to see if the name sounds familiar.

It clicks in my brain and I snap my head down to look at Ron, wanting to confirm my thoughts. Hermione gasps, and Ron nods. Ron extends his hand and taps the first letter of each name on the sign .

Ron says the letter out loud, "R... A... B."

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We all sit at the kitchen table, watching as Harry removes the note from the locket.

Harry reads the note aloud to us,
" 'To the Dark Lord. I know I will be long dead before you read this... I have stolen the real Horcrux and intend to destroy it...' "

"R. A. B. was Sirius' brother?" Ron asks.

I lean back in my chair and survey the stacks of old issues of Daily Prophet's spread around the table.

"Yes. But what I do not understand is exactly how he destroyed the Horcrux. Perhaps if we know that it could help us in destroying the other ones." I state tiredly, biting at my cheek as I ruminate over my thoughts.

Harry nods, then after a moment suddenly scrambles up and out of sight, scaring the living daylights out of me in the process.

Harry's command is slightly muffled as he yells it, "Stop! I order you!"

Seconds later, Harry reappears dragging Kreacher, Sirius' old House Elf by one of his long ears. Kreacher mumbles foul oaths while being held in Harry's grasp.

"Kreacher..." Ron trails off.

Harry's voice is sharp and cold as he speaks to Kreacher, "Been spying on us, have you?"

"Kreacher has always been...watching. Kreacher always watches." Kreacher states.

Hermione tells Harry, "Maybe he knows."

I smile at Hermione, thankful for such a good idea.

Harry glances at Hermione, realizes what she means, then takes the locket and dangles it before Kreacher's massive eyes like a hypnotist. Kreacher watches, his eyes following the locket as it sway back and forth, as if in a trance.

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