Chapter 81

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heres the dragon if any of you want to visualize it during the fight

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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I walk into the Arena, wearing padded armor that sits snugly against my skin. The crowd roars around me. Gripping my wand tightly, I ready myself. Standing in a position where I can easily break into a run for my life. I wait, scanning around the Arena for the Dragon. Man...Mother's book about Magical Creatures did not lie, this thing can hide well.

A sudden blurry mass rockets at me, I dive out of the way, quickly getting back up. The Dragon turns to face me, sniffing the air and drooling. I grit my teeth and steady myself. If I cannot out run it, I must out think it. The creature's hunger will blind it from thinking rationally. It lunges at me and I dodge it. As I roll to the side, I grab dirt in my hand and throw it into the beast's eyes. The Dragon wails in pain, stumbling back.

I rummage my mind for a spell that can injure the beast and slow it down. I remember finding out a spell that would make a huge mess but it seems I am out of options. It should work, but I have never preformed the spell before, and it will most definitely kill the Dragon. But it is kill or be killed in this arena.

But before I can cast anything, the Dragon slams me into the ground hard with it's hand. It leers over me, drool dripping down onto my face. I grit my teeth and prepare myself for the most disturbing and disgusting moment of my life.

"Bombarda Maxima!" I shout the spell, willing all of my focus and power into exploding the Dragon.

A light sears from my wand and into the Dragon's stomach. The Dragon's stomach explodes, sending guts and blood flying everywhere. I get drenched as the blood rains down on me, pieces of the Dragon's insides and outside sticking to my skin from the blood, along with some getting into my mouth. It's large body begins to flops down onto me.

I swiftly cast, "Wingardium Leviosa!"

The Dragon's body hovers slightly above mine and gives me the perfect opening to quickly scramble out from underneath it. I drop the spell and lean on my hands and knees on the ground...then promptly spill out the contents of my stomach. I retch for a few more moments, then wobble to my feet.

Steeling myself, I look around the Arena, spotting the golden egg in a large nest. I sigh in relief, almost falling to my knees. I stumble to the egg and grab it coating it in blood where I touch. I raise the golden egg into the air in triumph. The crowd  breaks into cheers and screams. I smirk, exhaustion evident in my face. My eyes dart across the stands, searching. I find the twins screaming and jumping in joy. Father stands next to them clapping, his face full of pride in me. Father meets my eyes and smiles at me, nodding his head in respect. My heart swells, my mouth splitting into a broad smile. If I could freeze time in this moment I would. It feels perfect, the only thing that's Mother. I lower my hand, my smile faltering. I'm suddenly escorted out of the Arena, since Harry still has to compete.

I'm ushered into the Infirmary, holding my golden egg tight. Madam Pomfry works on my injuries as I stare into space.

Why? I was happy. So why in my time of great joy and pride in myself, did I have to ruin it by thinking of her? Will it always be like this? Every big moment in my life, will I be looking for Mother and remember that she will never be there again? Reminding myself that Mother will never be here to look at me proudly, with a sweet and joyful smile. What do I do? How do I lessen this pain at the empty place where Mother used to be? I do not think the pain will ever go away, nor will the thoughts like this. I will have to live like this for the rest of my life, always looking for a person who will never be there.

I should be celebrating, happy that I'm still alive. Thinking about how to unlock the secret of this egg. But here I am, feeling sorry about myself, about my pitiful life. I wish I had someone to comfort me, someone to confide in. I feel as though all of my friends have abandoned me right now. Hermione has been so busy being there for Harry, Ron is still mad at me, and Harry is still uncomfortable around me. Maybe that's why I am feeling so alone. Why this victory feels so bittersweet. Because it has shown me that all I have left are the twins and Ginny. My Mother has left me and now so have my best friends. Madam Pomfry says something to me that I do not hear through the hurricane of thoughts drowning me. She walks off, and I lie down, drifting off into a dreamless slumber.

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I wake up the next morning and hurry out with my egg, ignoring the pain in my back, it will heal in time. I walk to the Dormitories, getting my stuff from my Dormitory and getting myself ready in the bathroom, thankful to finally rid myself of the Dragon blood and guts coating my entire body. I grab Nyx and walk out quietly, everyone still being asleep. My egg still in my arms, rinsed of blood now. I walk out to sit near the Black Lake. Deciding this is secluded enough I fiddle around with it, finding that you can pull up the top half. Immediately the thing begins a wailing screech, Nyx jumping into the air and hissing at the egg's screeches, which strangely enough sounds like a Mermaid's wail. I shut the thing swiftly, giving Nyx's poor ears a break. Well, that was not helpful at all. I look over the water, zoning out in thought.

"Have you opened it yet?" A sudden and familiar voice asks me.

I jump in place and whip my head over, calming when I see that it's just Christopher. He looks at me expectantly, then to the egg.

I quickly catch on and tell him, "Oh, you mean the egg. Yes, yes I have. Such a terrible sound it makes."

He sits down next to me, Nyx goes over and rubs against his side, Christopher petting her softly.

Christopher nods and informs me, "Harry opened his last night in front of all of the Gryffindors, most of the school knows that by now. What do you think of it?"

I sigh and look out at the Lake, stating, "I'm not sure... I think it might sound like a Mermaid's wail, but I'm not sure. I have only read descriptions about them, I have never actually heard one, so I cannot be sure."

It's a good idea to have Christopher help me with this. He has always had a liking for Magical Creatures, not like me who just picked up the topic as soon as Mother died. Christopher has even told me of how he wants to pursue a career with Magical Creatures. Given this, he will be lots of help.

"Could you open it again and let me hear it?" Christopher requests.

I nod and open the egg, it begins to emit the screeches again. Christopher brightens up and gestures at me to close the egg.

I do and look at him curiously, asking, "What is it? Did you find out how I can decipher the wails?"

"It's a Mermaid. That I know for sure. But how to be able to understand it I'm not so sure of. If it's a mermaid...maybe put it underwater? That might work now that I think about it." Christopher states giddily.

I look at him excitedly, exclaiming, "Christopher, you are a genius!"

Grabbing the egg, I submerge it in the water, my head following it. I close my eyes to avoid getting water in them and listen.

"Come seek us where our voices sound,
We cannot sing above the ground,
And while you're searching ponder this;
We've taken what you'll sorely miss,
An hour long you'll have to look,
And to recover what we took,
But past an hour, the prospect's black,
Too late, it's gone, it won't come back." The enchanting voice singing the song ends there.

I pull myself and the egg out of the water, my head completely soaked, the water from my hair soaking the top of my shirt as well.

"The next trial, they will be taking something dearly to me and hiding it in the water. It or they, will be most likely guarded by Mermaids." I tell Christopher, face grim.

I do not wish to put anyone I love in danger for my victory.

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