Chapter 131

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so this is gonna be a bit lengthy of an authors note but this one is more serious. i wish i could say that i havent been writing for a good reason, but i dont have one. ive simply fallen out of love with the harry potter universe. ive been forcing myself to write the past couple of chapters and i feel like it shows that im not putting as much love into this book anymore. im considering reposting this book on ao3 and orphaning it. my other option is discontinuing but i dont want to do that to my wonderful and loyal readers. im still considering whether or not to force myself to finish this or orphaning. if anyone reading this is willing to take on finishing this book please message me. sorry for this being short, i just thought that i should get something out and tell you all of this news. i just want to say thank you for being so patient and kind to me for my past two years of writing this book. love you all so dearly💙

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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After Hermione cooked up some insane plan that we all knew was barely going to work, she informed us that there were only three people she could think of to have us shapeshift with Polyjuice potions into... So I volunteered to stay back and watch over Grimmauld Place, ready to treat any wounds and fight off anyone when they get back. I was not too keen on using a Polyjuice potion and getting back my right hand anyways. I would have gotten my prosthetic hand by now, but I had decided that any owl flying to deliver it would be killed or make people think that Harry or someone is hiding out here.

So here I am now, in the living room, practically running down the wood flooring with how much I have paced back and forth in the same spot. Holding an emergency medical kit that I had put together, with about a dozen potions and other regular medical supplies that most Muggles probably have. My wand is snug in my jacket pocket, along with a will that I now carry with me at all times due to the danger of living lately.

Most of my assets are left to Christopher. But Nix and some of my most personal possessions are left to Harry... It hurts me to say that I also left a few items to Kiara, along with a letter. No matter what she does, she will always be my wonderful little sister.

It is nice to not be apart of such a dangerous mission this time, but the lack of control I have over this situation is causing me to be panic stricken over whether or not Harry will come out of this all right.

The sudden loud thud and crash of my friends Apparating right in front of me sets me right into action. I quickly assess the situation. A random man clinging onto them is swiftly and harshly slammed over the head with my case of medical supplies. I fling him off of them and grab onto Hermione, knowing that we have to leave this place now. We Apparate away, but not before the random wizard hits Ron with a spell.

We all hit the ground of a forest. Hermione and I scramble up quickly to see to Ron's wound. She's always been better at treating wounds than I am, so I hand her my medical case and go over to Ron. I tear open his shirt and the sleeve of it. The sight of Ron's flayed arm and the portion of it that looks as though it's been scooped away, causes me to suppress a gag. I step away as Hermione rushes over with a small bottle of Essence of Dittany. Hermione quickly sprinkles three drops onto Ron's wounds and green smoke billows up from it.

Harry's voice scares me as he asks, "His arm... What happened? I thought we were going back to Grimmauld Place."

Being so focused on Ron, I completely forgot about Harry being here too. I feel a wave of relief rush over me as I take in Harry's unharmed appearance. I do not know what I would have done with myself if he were to be injured, or worse.

Hermione answers Harry, "We were. We were there. But Yaxley had hold of me. I knew we couldn't stay once he'd seen, so when Y/n made him let go I brought us here. Ron got Splinched. I'm...sorry."

"Don't be stupid." Harry crassly reassures her.

The smoke clears from Ron's wound to reveal it no longer bleeding.

As I get up from my crouched position on the ground, Hermione comments on her lack of fully treating Ron's wound, "It's all I feel safe doing."

I take out my wand and start walking in a wide circle around everyone while muttering, "Salvio Hexia. Protego Totalum."

Hermione gets up to help me speed up the process, saying more protection charms.

Harry questions our, in his eyes, bizarre actions, "What're you guys doing?"

"Protective enchantments. I don't fancy another visit like we had on Shaftesbury Avenue, do you? Especially with Ron like this. You can get going on that tent..."

Harry looks at Hermione puzzled as he asks, "Tent? Where am I supposed to find-."

He then stops as he most likely realizes that Hermione packed a tent into her never ending bag.

Hermione and I continue with our spell casting as Harry starts with the tent, "Repello Muggletum..." "Muffliato."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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