Chapter 99

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what if i just made this book just like every other book on this app and added gacha life vids and music like angel with a shotgun. i think it would really bring up the quality.

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Y/n's P.O.V.
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Hermione and Ron sit across Harry and I in the Gryffindor Common Room, in the afternoon, ignoring all of the chattering around us.

"How can Dumbledore let that horrible woman teach? And when we're taking our O.W.L. tests too!" Hermione exasperatedly complains.

Ron asks us, "You reckon she's here to spy on us?"

"Most likely just to really watch over Dumbledore and the Order to make sure we make no moves. Since we are all technically members, even if we are not allowed to know anything." I state simply.

Right after I say that Angelina Johnson walks up to us, angrily telling Harry, "Way to go, Potter. Your detention is at the same time as Quidditch practice!"

"Oh! Sorry..." Harry says to Angelina.

Angelina states, "Yeah, well, you're going to have to get out of it somehow. We're holding tryouts for Keeper now that Wood's gone, I wanted to have the whole team there."

"I'll never get out of it, Angelina." Harry tells her.

She just angrily reprimands Harry, "Well, just...don't do it again!"

Angelina goes to leave, but turns to me and informs me in a more kind way, "Merlin, I want you to tryout for Keeper. You would fit the spot perfectly."

"If that is what you think is best, then I shall join in on tryouts." I state, nodding at Angelina.

She smiles slightly and walks off. I swiftly get up and leave without saying a word, I do not have time to hear out Ron's complaining or Hermione's concerns. I have to practice for this position if I want to be able to show that I am accomplished.

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The next day, I sit in the Common Room, studying extra to make up for not studying at all yesterday. I was too busy practicing for the tryouts, then practicing the spells Umbridge taught us about in private. I went into the Forbidden Forest and created a sound proof opaque barrier around me. This way no one will catch me actually preforming the spells Umbridge forbids us from using. But I mostly try to cast a spell that I have been unsuccessful with ever since I last Summer began, Expecto Patronum.

In order for the spell to work, one needs to think of a moment where they felt pure happiness. Unfortunately for me, I apparently do not have one. I have tried every happy moment in my life, but I suppose none of them are good enough.

For now, all I can do is forget about trying that spell, and focus on my studies. I lean back and sigh, rubbing my eyes. I did not get enough sleep last night, I stayed up reading somethings that I found hidden in Mother's room before I left for Platform 9 3/4. Her diaries. The first of the four is from when Mother first came to Hogwarts, ending on her third year, detailing her experience and how Lucius ruined any chance of her having friends. The second one is of her fourth to sixth year, it contains writtings of her family setting up Mother's marriage to Father and her hatred for the idea as she had found out about Father and Lucius' relationship. The third diary goes from Mother's seventh year until she gave birth to me. Mother expresses how Father...forced her into bedding him. Along with how he began to beat her. The entries in the fourth are more sporadic as it progresses, Mother becomes despondent and loses hope in life. Her only joy came from watching the twins and I grow and change. Mother's greatest joy was how none of us are as evil as our Father.

I stayed up most of the night so I could finish them all. I plan to go over them again more thoroughly the rest of this week. But most of my exhaustion comes from going to Keeper tryouts like this, and still practicing at my full potential.

I try to focus on my Defense Against the Dark Arts book again, but my eyes are all foggy. Nyx chirps in concern, and I pet her in reassurance that I'm okay. Shutting the book in frustration, I get up to go to sleep early.

Hermione walks over to me, obviously on a mission and asks, "Have you seen Ron? I can't find him anywhere."

"No, I'm sure he's off doing something stupid like always. Check with Fred and George maybe." I tell her.

I pick up my book and cover my mouth as I yawn.

Hermione tilts her head at me and inquires me worriedly, "Are you all right? You look like you're going to faint any minute now."

I nod and give her a tired smile, stating, "Yeah, just didn't get much sleep last night. I'm heading to bed now. Tell the others if they ask where I am."

Hermione nods and goes off to find Fred and George, while I go up to my Dormitory. Getting ready for bed and slipping under my covers. Nyx curls up beside me, falling asleep with me.

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I awake with a gasp, another nightmare. Instead pf trying to go back to bed as normal, I decide to go down to the Common Room. Something is wrong. I can feel it in my bones.

I walk into the Common Room just as the Portrait hole opens and Harry stumbles through, clutching his scar and his heavily bleeding right hand.

"Harry!" I shout urgently and rush over holding him in my arms.

Hermione, Ron, George, and Fred rush over concerned.

Hermione states seriously, "He's got to be taken to the Infirmary."

Harry weakly protests, "No. Can't give...Umbridge the satisfaction..."

"Umbridge did this?" Fred asks, bewildered at how evil the woman is.

Ron exclaims, "You said she was making you do lines!"

I guide Harry over to a couch and set him down gently.

"She is. But the quill has some sort of spell on it. It uses blood for ink." Harry tells us.

Tensing, I grit my teeth and go through every possible way to get away with murdering that horrible, disgusting, cruel, donkey looking woman.

Hermione outbursts, looking horrified, "Oh that hag! She's sick! Harry you've got to tell Dumbledore. You can't keep this up."

"No, I'm not telling anyone." Harry tells her.

I sigh and help Harry up, say to everyone, "I will take him to our Dormitory and heal his hand. If Harry does not wish to inform anyone of this, then we must respect his choice. It's not our secret to tell."

Placing Harry on his bed, I take out his night wear and put it in front of him. I walk over to my trunk and take out the medical supplies that I keep here for emergencies, listening to the shuffling sounds of Harry changing.

Once he seems to stop moving I walk over, taking out a cotton ball and pouring some alcohol onto it. I begin to clean his wound as Harry hisses and groans at the pain. I quickly finish and wrap his hand in bandages, placing a potion to speed up his healing process in his hands.

I clean up my mess and help Harry drink the potion, feeling guilty about staring at his lips as he does so.

"Thanks, Y/n... For helping me hand and with everyone else..." Harry states, seemingly on the brink of sleep.

I smile softly and say back, "I will always be here for you, Harry. I'm never leaving my adorable troublemaker behind."

Harry smiles, his face a little red as he passes out. I kiss his forehead lightly, and try to get some rest for myself.

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