'Mr. Terushima' ⁰¹

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- Coммeɴтѕ αɴd Voтeѕ αre αpprecιαтed★

Today was the official day of the new school year, attending at Johzenji High School. Being a second year and arriving at the school, we were given an extra hour before our classes began to find our classrooms for the rest of the school year.

Looking at my schedule, I noticed I had math class first. Sighing, I looked over at the classroom number, making my way over to the said class.

Arriving, the door was open but no one was inside. Stepping inside of the lonely classroom, the name's of this year's class were up on the front board.

Looking at the desk, they were all set out in rows, vertically. The teachers desk being at the opposite wall from the door, at the very front wall, set up beside the corner.

At the very front, there was a name tag, written in fancy cursive letters was the name 'Mr. Terushima'.

Making my way closer to read the board and find my name, I noticed my desk would be the closest to the teacher's desk. Setting down my belongings, I pulled out my phone, plugging in my headphones and zoning out to music as I waited for the other students to arrive.

Getting distracted to the sound of music, I failed to notice the man that stepped into the room. A few moments passed by, the feeling of someone staring at me making me uncomfortable. About to turn around to see if I was just paranoid, I hear the sound of someone cough before I turn my head all the way.

Turning, I see a man with blonde hair, with a brown undercut, joined with almond colored piercing eyes behind the glasses settled on his nose. Eyelashes fluttering whenever he blinked, it felt as if though time slowed. He's handsome, not much older than around his early twenties.

He had a muscular build, being able to tell from the lines underneath his black tuxedo. Looking up to scan his face, our eyes catch, staring straight into each other's eyes, he's quick to look away.

I look away as well, turning back around in my seat to face the front. I hear his footsteps, coming closer until I feel the air brush past me as he continues making his way towards the teacher's desk not to far from my own seat. He sits down, focusing onto his computer instead.

I choose to just wait until the rest of the students appear so I can introduce myself later. Letting my attention fall back onto my phone in my hands, I let time pass me by.

Eventually more students enter the classroom, sitting down in their assigned seats. Next thing we know, the bell rings declaring the beginning of our first period.

PUBLISHED 7/10/2022

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