Temporary ³²

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- Coммeɴтѕ αɴd Voтeѕ αre αpprecιαтed★

While Mr. Terushima drove for hours on end only ever stoping for what he called necessary items or gas. Other than that, it was the sight of the roads and cars.

I had fallen asleep on the second day of pure driving. It felt like I was going to lose my mind, I was on the wide open, yet no one realized I was the missing girl.

I felt my body being shaken, waking up it was Mr. Terushima as he kept one hand on the wheel still.

"What is it...?" I carefully ask to not piss him off.

"We're here."

I had many more questions, but what if he hurt me? Choosing to keep quiet, I watched the homes outside the car window.

It looked almost abandoned with how there was almost no one outside except for the occasional 1 or 2 people outside every few minutes.

"Why is it so lonely?"

He stayed quiet for a few moments before he eventually answered, "It's going to be our temporary home. It's more lonely well because... this place isn't exactly the safest." He admitted as I looked at the people watching the car Mr. Terushima was driving with envy.

"Why isn't it safe?" I asked thinking I had began to understand.

"This part is filled with a bit of dangerous people, so you better listen to me if you don't want to get hurt by those criminals." He said as he looked down on me.

Suddenly swallowing my saliva felt like a hard task, beginning to pool up in my mouth. Funny, wasn't he, my own teacher, some sort of criminal too?

We arrived near the end of the street, a little dirty and broken place, a light gray color. As he parked the car into the back of the home since the fence was already broken, he turned off the engine.

I watched as he got off, telling me to follow inside after him.

Walking behind him, I held onto his shirt as I heard voices nearing us. Were the others trying to be nosy?

"Mr. Terushima..." I gulped, tighting my grip as he pushed the door open.

"What is it?"

"What if they try stealing the car?" I asked, I thought it'd be a good way to slow my teachers advances and run away chances, but what if they try jumping us for money next?

"It doesn't matter, the car isn't even under my name." He said as he stood by the shattered window inside the house.

"...it's not?"

He rolled his eyes, "No, but I don't want to talk about it."


Following in his footsteps, we took looks inside the rooms, most have a few items like vases that were shattered, or windows that were cracked. What worried me the most was the amount of black widows inside.

"I want to go home..." I whispered to myself as I took a step back, too bad Mr. Terushima heard that.

He gave me a hard glare as he shoved my shoulder and pushed me onto the ground. The wooden floor gave a hard thud as I crashed into it.

"You can't! No, just shut up and stop saying that already!" He shouted from above me as his eyes were burning from anger.

"You know what? I don't need your help right now anyways." He said as he walked away back towards the car.

"Wait no- I'm sorry! Please don't go!" I cried as I followed a good distance behind him.

"Sit down and just be quiet."

Doing as he said, I watch with blurry eyes as he opens the back door. Watching as he moves things around inside a bag and pulls out some rope.

"You're much better like this." He smiled as he says so. Watching him with the frown on my face.

Walking back towards me, he tied me in place, putting a bit of tape to cover any sounds that slipped past my lips.

"God you're stressful, can't you be thankful I'm evening doing this!? You should be down right grateful, thanking me for everything I've done!" He yelled, kicking the wall beside us.

"Don't you know that saying? Goes something like 'you can't bite from the hand that feeds you', I'm literally breaking the law, and it's all for you!" He whispered beside my ear, gripping my shoulders as his eyes widened in disbelief, annoyance.

I just let myself fall to the ground, legs scraping the hard dry dirt as I let my head hang low. I heard his footsteps head back to the car as he sat down not shutting the door.

Forbidden Obsession || ʸᴬᴺᴰᴱᴿᴱ! ᵀᴱᴬᶜᴴᴱᴿ! ᵀᵉʳᵘˢʰⁱᵐᵃ ˣ ᶠᵉᵐ! ᴿᵉᵃᵈᵉʳWhere stories live. Discover now