#40- Escaping

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- Coммeɴтѕ αɴd Voтeѕ αre αpprecιαтed★

(Not proofread)

I was sleeping on the ground, gripping a hoodie as I rested, only to be brought up into reality by the sound of Mr. Terushima cursing in the hallway. The sound of shouts outside the home with people banging on the door.

I crawl to the wall, watching as he paces from side to side, hitting his forehead with his closed plam.

I wait, but he doesn't do anything, so I crawl to the corner of the window, lifting a bit of the old curtain to catch a glimpse from outside.

There were a lot of different people, but they all seemed mad, chattering to themselves as the females gossiped to each other pointing at the rusty house. The older creepy looking men arguing while waving broken glass bottles at us.

"Open the damn door!" They'd repeat, kicking at the walls.

"Get away from there damn it!" Mr. Terushima shouted at me as he gripped my shoulder pulling me back, only to hear the sound of glass shattering after coming in contact with the walls.

"Fuck!" He shouts, running his hand through his blonde hair, "Wait here and don't you dare move." He explained, pointing at me as he walks out the side door, not fully standing outside to face the angry crowd.

"What the hell do you guys want!?"

The crowd all turned to him, walking to were he was. "The fuck do you mean? We want you to leave! It's your damn fault the cops showed up a few minutes ago!" An old guys shouts, pointing his dirty stick at Mr. Terushima.

"Any closer and I shut the door."

They stop walking, "Damn it just leave, you have until tomorrow morning or else!" A guy shouts from somewhere in the crowd, the rest chant agreeing to the statement.

Mr. Terushima shuts the door, not bothering to answer. A few glass bottles are thrown and broken, but they eventually leave.

"We're leaving, get your things or whatever there is you want to take." He says, slaming the bathroom door open to grab his pair of shoes. "Not like there's much here anyways."

"But where will we go!?" I asked, panicking at the thought of him leaving me alone somewhere to get rid of me.

"I need to pay an old friend of mine a visit," he replied, looking at me start in the eye, his brows brought together showing his dislike.

We don't get much, since there wasn't much in the first place, I just bring a black bag filling it with food and carry some clothes and a hoodie under my arm.

"Is this friend like... an accomplice?" I ask, looking at him nervously as I couldn't stop shaking my foot against the floor to distract me.

"Well... you'll find out when you meet him."

I sighed, I didn't want to leave, the cops were so close to finding me. Yet I didn't want to be left behind with those crazy psychos outside. But wasn't Mr. Terushima already a psycho too?

I felt something run down my face, only noticing it as my sight blurred. I brought my hand over my check, just to press them into my eyes as if it'd stop me from crying.

Forbidden Obsession || ʸᴬᴺᴰᴱᴿᴱ! ᵀᴱᴬᶜᴴᴱᴿ! ᵀᵉʳᵘˢʰⁱᵐᵃ ˣ ᶠᵉᵐ! ᴿᵉᵃᵈᵉʳWhere stories live. Discover now