'Aww, are you okay?' ⁰⁷

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- Coммeɴтѕ αɴd Voтeѕ αre αpprecιαтed★

Giggling as they ranaway, they stopped once they were back down on the first floor.

"Bet she'll be too embarrassed to come back any time soon." Lisa exclaimed, resting her arm around Ana's neck as they laughed.

"Right," Ana smiled, wiping a fake tear away from her face. "Ridiculous, I'll call her and be like, 'we didn't find you, where are you Y/n?' " Ana said, faking a sweet voice.

Lisa nodded her head, watching as Ana began to call Y/n's number. The phone rang loudly throughout the silent hall for a few moments until Y/n picked up.

Lisa brought her ear closer to the phone, hearing Y/n's heaving breathes as she realized she was crying.

"Hey- Oh dear, are you okay Y/n? It sounds like your crying, what happened?" Ana answered, faking a concerning voice. Not like she really cared.

"Someone poured paint all over me, and I don't have a extra uniform with me." Y/n replied, as she tried watching some of the paint out of her hair.

"That's so mean! Where are you?" Lisa asked into the phone faking surprise.

"I- I'm at the bathroom at the end of the school." Y/n cried out from frustration.

"Okay we'll head over there right now! We'll bring you a clean uniform from the nurses office too." Ana said.

"Okay, thank you." Y/n said, watching as Ana hung up the phone. Looking at the time displayed on her phone, she realized it wouldn't take long before first period started.

While Y/n tried to watch off some paint, she didn't know that Ana and Lisa weren't even making their way to help her. Choosing to keep walking into Mr. Terushima's classroom as they laughed about what they'd done.

As class began, Mr. Terushima noticed his class being more noisy than usual.
"What's up with you guys, what's so funny?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, well there was a student who got paint spilled all over her!"

"Yeah! It was so funny!"

"It looked like she was about to cry too!"

"You guys, it was Y/n. She looked like she was going to cry on the spot!"

"How embarrassing, I bet she ran home!"

Laughter broke out throughout the room. As Terushima lifted his eyes to look at Ana and Lisa sitting at the back of the room, he noticed how they were both already looking at him. Smirks wide on their faces as they smiled in triumph of there success.

Terushima himself smiled too, turning away so others wouldn't see the look on his face.

'Just a little more,' he thought as he sat down on his chair. 

PUBLISHED 7/14/2022

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