#14- Evil Deed

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- Coммeɴтѕ αɴd Voтeѕ αre αpprecιαтed★

Terushima's P.O.V

Putting her now limp body on my chair, I brush her hair back. Taking a closer look at her, she seemed to be drenched in sweat. Where you somehow running a fever now?

Picking up the bag, I pull out a few more of the sleeping pills, shoving them down my pocket in a hurry.

Walking back to the door, I opened it, noticing how dark it had already gotten outside. The sky being a dark shade, heavy clouds hanging above. Turning both ways, it seemed most had left, the parking lot proving that theory.

If I wanted this to go well, I had to make my move now. What if the janitor saw me?
Hurrying back inside I lift Y/n's body up by her arm, I quickly place my bag on my shoulder before I slide one arm under her thighs and the other right behind her back.

Lifting her up, I head back to the door, pushing it open I make a quick steady walk back to my car. To my good fortune, I didn't see anyone. Opening the door, I set her down placing my palm on her forehead feeling her heat up.

Putting the bag down beside her, I pull out the ropes I had. Tying her arms and wrist together, later moving down to her ankles. Pulling apart some of the tape, I split a part off pulling it apart with my teeth as I place it over her mouth. I suddenly felt guilty for placing the tape over her mouth when she would already be weak from the high fever she was running.

Laying her figure down, I shut her door. Checking once again I didn't notice anyone around. Throwing my door open, I bring myself inside. Quickly turning on the air conditioner setting it on high cold air.

Turning back to look at you, I see you shuffle a bit in your sleep, face turning to a displeased expression from the sudden change in weather.

Pulling myself back, placing one last kiss to your soft features, I pull the car out from park mode. I knew it was dangerous, but I'm only doing this for one reason, one person: you.

Racing down the highways, I couldn't help but feel all giddy. Smiling I look up at myself in the rear mirror, grinning in success. Running a hand through my hair, I pushed my blonde locks back.

Turning down the air, I could hear your breathing soften now. Relaxing I felt my muscles soften too.

I should probably stop by the store sometime soon... I need to buy medicine incase she feels bad again.

Stoping by the store, I get off the car. Keeping the air on high, making sure to lock the doors. Getting down, I head to the store walking past the automatic doors.

Hands stuffed in my pockets, I look around. Finding the medicine section I walk over to it. Shuffling around I bought 3 bottles to help run down the fever, along with a few snacks and a freezing drink.

Once it was my turn from waiting in the check out line, I walk up to the young cashier. She smiled at me, face stiff as I watched her heavy makeup seem to crack.

Ignoring her, I choose to look at my phone instead, waiting for her to finish scanning my things so I could leave.

Apparently I wasn't so lucky as she soon spoke up, "Well hello there. Are you single by any chance?" She said, as I watched her painted lips move.

Holding back an annoyed groan, I rolled my eyes back mentally. How fake could she be? There's literally a ring on her hand suggesting she's already married, talk about loyalty.

"I'm not actually, even if I was I don't think I'd even spare you a glance in all honesty anyways." I smiled, watching as her face changed to anger.

"How rude." She gasped, rolling her eyes as she shoved my bag against my chest.

"Oh, and if you want to talk about relationship status, you lack loyalty and that wedding ring gives you away too." I smiled, waving her off as I walked away from her.

"Stupid jerk!" She cried in annoyance as she gritted her teeth.

I laughed as I left the store.

"Why are some people so unloyal? Why bother saying you love someone if you can't even be trusted when you're alone?" I asked myself out loud in genuine wonder.
Sure when I was a teen I behaved like a dick head, breaking hearts left and right. Could you blame the fault on me though? They all claimed they loved me, why wasn't their so called 'love' enough to keep me down?

Though that's all in the past I've changed now. I am changing now, for Y/n.

PUBLISHED 7/19/2022

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