#27- I'm Sorry

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- Coммeɴтѕ αɴd Voтeѕ αre αpprecιαтed★

The moment Y/n fell asleep in my arms, I set her down to get comfortable in the bed. I couldn't help but think over things.

I was really lucky that even though I didn't know my father, he paid off the house.

I remember my mother reading that letter, he said he paid off the house in full. At the bottom of the letter he claimed he didn't want anything to do with us, and if anything happened to the home itself, it would be our own fault. He wrote that he wouldn't even bother checking on it.

Even if he was a rude father, I was grateful he bothered putting a roof over my mother's and I's head, before she passed away. During my mother's funeral, I didn't shed a tear. My 'father' was said to not have had shown up.

Even if he had, I wouldn't be able to tell who he was.

Sometimes, these sick feelings eat away at me in my sleep. Nightmare after nightmare, always the same ending.

Before I come awake, I see a bright light, pointing at me with the shout of a couple of men, the sound of the door breaking with sirens ringing. Before I wake up, I hear the sound of a younger female voice screaming at me: 'No! Please come back!'

That's all I hear before the lights swarm me, feeling sweat dripping down my face.

I was really sorry, if I could change everything I would. Fate wasn't something one could control, but if I could, I'd do anything to control it.

Laying down beside Y/n, I run my fingertips against her skin.

'Was that dream some kind of sign?'

I didn't know how much my actions would affect you... or maybe I did, I just couldn't seem to bring myself to see the consequences.

I'm tired of carrying my heavy weight, I want to get rid of my childhood memories. Was all this happening because my mind found some sick way to cope by kidnapping a student against her will? To see how we both share a somewhat similar life?

"I'm sorry..."

I wish I could say I really meant it

Kissing her as a last good night, I close my eyes falling asleep before work tomorrow.

PULISHED 10/8/2022

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