#38- Nowhere

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- Coммeɴтѕ αɴd Voтeѕ αre αpprecιαтed★

Mr. Terushima walked through the store of the old store nearby, looking through the sections for medicine to cure Y/n's sore throat. Looking through them, he hear the voice of the female reporter speaking, voice blasting through the speakers as she voiced the news.


"Good evening dear viewers, today breaking news is that the body of a 17 year old girl was found at the back of an alleyway, near a dumpster.
She's been identified as Ana (Desired last name), found quite a way away from where she lives. Details have not been given other that the fact she was brutally beaten to death."

Terushima could feel his lips lifting to a satisfied smile as he heard the news. Even though Ana's body was blurred, he could see the unmistakable pool of red on her clothing and around her.

He chuckled, eyes flashing with the ghost of a passing memory.

"Just like you mother, wasn't she? Fucking pathetic, my Y/n felt bad, but she'd never give up so easily. I know my little girl."

'There's nowhere to anymore.'

Paying for the medicine he walked down the long road with a slight skip in his walk, cheery smile decorating his attractive face.

"I'm sure Y/n will be happy to hear the news!" He smiled as he let the cap cover his head as he walked by the light posts above.


Reaching home, he knocked on the door to let Y/n know he'd gotten back. Unlocking the door, he undid Y/n's chains as he smirked down at her.

"What is it sir?" She warily asked at his suddenly happy behavior.

"You'll never guess what happened! It happened so soon too!" He laughed in pure chaos.

Looking at him like he was crazy, which he was; he grabbed her shoulders shaking her to look him in the eyes.

"Ana's dead!" Awaiting a response he was met with a long silence, "Aren't you happy?"

"Am I supposed to be happy...? I don't really know how to feel."

His smile faltered as his expression eventually became more relaxed, like he was sane again.

"No no no, it's okay, we don't need to think about useless things." Stroking her hair, he smiled in the sent.

"Useless huh?"


"How long has it been since you've kidnapped me?"

Shoulders stiff as he looked down at her, "Like I said, don't think about useless things." He spoke as his voice seemed to show no emotion other than the seriousness, the same firm stare in his eyes.

"Your life is currently under MY control, I decide your fate, understand?"

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