#33- Leads

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- Coммeɴтѕ αɴd Voтeѕ αre αpprecιαтed★

Jake's P.O.V

Kristina was sitting at her desk, several pieces of crumpled up papers or scribbled papers surrounding her desk.
"You sure you don't want to take a break? We can go get coffee." I asked cautiously from behind her door. She had already screamed at me to let her find some sort of lead about Terushima's background.

She just groaned as she slide her hand across the desk, papers flying all around the room as she threw them off.

"No... I can't find anything, nothing is under his name! Why is that?!" She harshly said as she ran a hand through her short hair in distress.

She turned to look at her computer, on it were Y/n L/n and Yuuji Terushima.
I looked at her side profile, as the sun shined down on her features. She was allows working late into the night with cases like these.

She normally had very good posture, but her normally sharp expressions were more based off on her sleepiness.

Slight eye bags under her radiant hazel eyes, lashes flutter when she let her eyes close for a bit to long, like she would fall asleep then and there.

Dark brown hair unkept, yet she still managed to pull it off. Small blush on the top of her nose and around her sharp eyes.

Frowning I ran a hand up my neck, rubbing my jaw. "We could always try something new." I tried, waiting for an answer.

"Like what-"

"Kristina! Jake! I think I found some sort of lead!" Turning around in shock, we see the new young secretary jogging up to us as he handed us some printed papers with information.

"I found out who Terushima's father was, maybe you could find something out from him? I also added his address on the middle of the page. You should get going." He explained as he held the door open as Kristina rushed to him patting his back in praise as she left for the car.

I gave the brown haired guy a quick glare as I followed after Kristina getting into the car.

"Great! So what's the address? Type it in already." She commanded as I shut the door.

Rolling my eyes I did as she said, beginning the drive to who we assumed to be Terushima's father.


Arriving at the location, we got off. The man lived in a pretty nice home, a one floor house, but a wide front yard and an even wider backyard with a swimming pool in the center. He even had two double doors, knocking on one, we heard someone saying to please wait.

The door was opened by a man around his 50s or so, graying hair styled in a wolf- cut. He had been wearing only a black boxer and a white robe. Scowling as he held a cigarette in between his fingers.

Coughing, Kristina spoke first, "Hello sir, it'd be nice if you were dressed more formally." She smiled sarcastically at him.

As the old man rolled his eyes but closed his robe he turned to look at me, "What do you guys want?"

"Hello sir, we're here to ask a few questions about your son, Yuuji Terushima." At the mention of his own sons name, his eyes turned hateful.

"What about him? I don't think I'm much help."

"Why do you say that?" I asked concerned.

The man laughed, "His mother was a slut, couldn't do shit so I left her. I wasn't even there when she finally lost it and killed herself. Never even met the kid." He replied as he released the smoke between his sentences.

"...Is there anything you think might be of any help to us?" I asked as I sighed pulling out my notebook.

"Yeah! Anything? Like some money, or a card, something?" I watched as Kristina tried coming up with anything Teruhsima might be able to use up to now.

The old guy rubbed his beard in thought, "I left a car before I left. I could give you a copy of the license plate and pictures of the car." He said as he walked back inside.

Waiting 15 minutes at his front door, he returned throwing an old shoe box at us. Giving him a questioning look, Kristina pulled the top up, revealing a few papers.

Thanking him, we left back to the police station, having the team search for any cars that might look similar and the license plate.

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