#39- Chances?

231 7 0

- Coммeɴтѕ αɴd Voтeѕ αre αpprecιαтed★

"Kristina! Jake! We found some footage from a convinence store a few miles down, and believe it is Terushima in the video." I hear the male secretary shout as he breaks into Kristina's office. I stare at him, giving him a hard glare as he looks back to Kristina who was hunched over her desk, stressing out about feeling like she reached a dead end.

She shoves herself up, almost falling in the process, "Wait, really!? Show me the evidence!" She yells, excited of the case getting a new lead.

"I already shared it to you, it's on your desk top."

"Why didn't you share it to me?" I ask, standing beside him as he lifts his glasses.

He shrugs, "I knew you'd be here."

"I kNeW yOu'D bE hErE, you-!" I mimicked, flapping my hand at him, only to get cut off by Kristina as she motions for me to go check out the video.

"Cut it out Jake! He's just doing his job, thanks by the way!" She smiles at him, nodding her head.

"No worries," he shuts the door after himself as he returns her smile, completely ignoring me as he does so.

I roll my eyes one last time as Kristina shouts at me once again. "I'm coming, jeez!" I get behind her, placing my arm behind her chair as I lean onto it, focusing on the footage from the gas station.

It was a clip of a man who appear to be Terushima looking at the television, he was wearing a hoodie and cap, but we could still make out his distinct features.

"Wait, zoom in," I comment, pointing at the television in the corner of the wall. Kristian does so, clicking the mouse as we read the head line: "Missing girl, identified as Ana from Johzenji High School found dead".

We stare at it in silence, I watch as Kristina's eyes widen, she slowly turns away from the computer, rubbing her eyes. "We couldn't help it," I assured her, "She didn't want to fully cooperate even though we told her she should."

"I know... I just hope we can at least save Y/n." She says, sighing as I massage her shoulders. She was stressed, I could tell with the way her back was stiff, tensing everything.

"We can and we will."

We drove down to gas station not long after, getting off to question the clerk. He was awfully useless as he preferred to act like her didn't know anything.

"Listen," I stop, looking at his name tag, "Ash, we already saw the footage and it's the exact same man, just tell us how he got here." I point to the paper I showed him, it was a slightly blurred picture of Terushima's side profile as he looked straight at the camera from over his shoulder.

"I already told you, I don't know," he persisted.

"Anything can help, if you don't want to end up I'm jail, I suggest you speak up now," Kristina smiled as she waited for his next choice of words.

"Fine! All I know is he came here already before, he comes by foot and mostly looks at the news and buys a few snacks and leaves. That's all I know!" Ash shouted, desperate for us to leave as a crowd of skeptical people formed outside.

"Wasn't so hard was it?" I ask, tilting my head as I smiled, writing down what he had said.

"Great, thanks!" My partner says, leading us out of the store as she gets into the driver's seat.

"You know, I think it's my turn to drive if I'm not mistaken."

"It's MY car!" She interjects, shaking her head with judging eyes, "You'll probably crash it on purpose!"

"Fair enough," I comply, lifting my hands in surrender.
We get inside, "If what he said was true, maybe Terushima is residing in one of the areas a few miles down?" I ask, rubbing my chin in thought.

Kristina nods, Turing the keys as she pulls out of the parking space and out onto the open road.

"That's kinda hot," I smirk looking at her as she placed her hand on the back of my seat to look for any cars.

"Shut up would you? We have work to do." She retorts, smacking the back of my head playfully as she roles her eyes, hiding her smile as she fixes her hair.

We drove for a few miles, only to find sketchy people down by the run down area. Most homes looked awfully in habitable, with glasses shattered and curtains discarded in ripped piles.

"I don't think we're welcomed here." I stated, turning to look out the window on my side as I see a crowd forming, people threatening to block us as they stop in front of us.

"Really? Couldn't tell," she replies, reaching for the walkie talkie that was attached to the speakers.

"Please step away from the vehicle, you're disrupting a search."

They don't move, only staring at us harder as older men approach, holding old bats in their hands.

"I think it's best we go." I turned, looking at her.

"Okay..." she sighs, driving backwards onto the road.

"There wasn't anything we could do, we didn't have a search warrant!" I tried, hoping it would help her feel better.

She nods, her eyes looking sad as she leans on her plam, "I know, it probably would have gotten ugly..."

"I just hope we didn't give them a chance to slip away yet again." She whispered, looking into the rear mirror as she lowered her brows in annoyance.

"It could have been our freshest lead."

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