#22- ¿Love?

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- Coммeɴтѕ αɴd Voтeѕ αre αpprecιαтed★

After eating the breakfast Mr. Terushima made, he said he had a place in mind he wanted to show me. I hesitantly agreed, I was still paranoid of what he did when I was in the shower, but if is words were true, he won't hurt me... right?

Once lunch time rolled around, he said it was time to go. He said he didn't trust me to be walking alone without some kind of supervision. Holding his hand out waiting for me to grip it, he slide the glass back door open.

"Where is this place at?"

"Just wait, it was my favorite place as a kid." He smiled sadly.

Letting him lead me through the over grown bushes and trees. We walked past them, Mr. Terushima had a basket in his hand to which I assumed we were to have a picnic.

A few silent moments passed by, the sky not shining so harshly down upon us.

One thing that really bothered me about Mr. Terushima was that he expects me to act like what he does wrong never happened. Guess I have got to play my part if I don't want to get hurt.

Walking away to a hill near the back, it was quite a bit high up. Reaching the top, he sat down on a nice green area. Watching him, he turned his up to look at we, pating the ground beside him.

"Come on, take a seat Y/n."

Sitting down, I curled my legs up to my chest, wrapping my arms around them. He smiled setting down the basket he had brought.

"What are we going to do Mr. Terushima?" I wondered.

"We're going to have lunch here!" He cheered, handing me a plate, the plate having a slice of cake.

"Why cake though?" I pondered.

"You haven't celebrated your birthday." He simply replied.

How would he know? My mother neglected me here attention, saying birthdays were unnecessary.

"You're probably wondering you I'm bothering with this. It's just... I kind of had the same kind of childhood you had growing up." He admitted.

Turing his frame so we were face to face he grinned, lighter in hand he set the candle on my cake aflame. "Happy birthday Y/n!"

I didn't know what this feeling was, was it pity? Sorrow? Loneliness? Years of hard feelings bottled up finally set free?
It left nice to have that weight removed, even if the person who has doing this wasn't as innocent as he appeared to be.

Sniffling, I wipe my eyes. Soft gasp leaving my lips as I returned a happy smile of my own. Blowing the candle out O made my wish:
'May Mr. Terushima received his own well future, and don't let me fall for his actions... please'

As he smiled, he handed me a fork, he was about to take a bite of his own piece before I stopped him.


Looking at me in wonder, he lifted an eyebrow, "What is it?"

I silently asked for the lighter, he seemed a bit stiff but handed it over to me.

Taking the candle off my cake, I place it on his, turning on the lighter to set the little light.

"I want to wish you a happy birthday to Mr. Terushima..." I smiled, I knew it wrong, but I couldn't help but sympathize with him.

He seemed shocked, eyes wide as his eyes began to glisten at my sudden action. Handing him the lighter back, he smiled, "Thank you, Y/n. I'll truly cherish these memories with you." He said, blowing out his candle.

We had a few more snacks with my favorite drink. Just relaxing onto the fresh green grass. It smelled nice, like that smell after the rain. Yet I ended up falling asleep, it was comforting and it was the first time I feel into a sleep so nice where I didn't struggle to let myself sleep.

Even though I wasn't conscious, I felt who I assumed to be Mr. Terushima picking me back up, taking me back inside.

"Sleep well Y/n."

(PUBLISHED 8/23/2022)

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