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- Coммeɴтѕ αɴd Voтeѕ αre αpprecιαтed★

I don’t remember when I fell asleep, but for someone who slept up against a wall, it wasn’t as bad as it looked. A warm body was cuddled up on my side, still sleeping. I smiled, placing a kiss on her head before stretching, staring at the same rays of light that spilled in underneath the door from outside. 

I should probably make it up to both of them, I’ll make some pancakes if Futamata still hasn’t left.

 Pulling myself out from in between the wall and Y/n, I set her head down onto the floor, softly laying an extra blanket below her. Light footsteps as I make my way to the door, shutting it behind me. The birds were chirping outside, and taking a look out the window, I could see small light sprinkles of rain, barely able to see them from their size. 

Futamamta was still in his room, his shoes were still in front of the door waiting to be worn. Pulling out the ingredients, I got to work, mixing the pancake mix and milk together in a bowl, getting the pan hot. By the time I heard Futamata’s door open, I had around 8 pancakes finished, I just needed a few more. 

“Good morning Futamata,” I said, placing a plate in front of him as he fixed his tie, rubbing his eyes. 

He looked at me with caution, “You didn’t poison my pancakes out of anger from last night, did you?” He questioned, eyes on alert yet still pulling out his chair to eat. 

“I should have, shouldn’t I?” I asked back, smiling as I turned away. 

We both laughed, our laughter filling and bouncing within the silent home. Only for our laughter to die slowly, sounding a bit forced at the end as if we’re only doing so to appeal to the other. 

We remained silent for a moment longer as we stopped laughing. 

I heard rustling, turning to watch Futamata roll up his sleeve and lean his head on his arm, “Terushima, we both know what you’re doing is wrong.” 

“I know,” I whispered, “I know.”

But I couldn’t convince myself out of it.

“I hope you know you’ll get caught at one point,” he struggled to keep talking, biting his lip, “And I don’t want this to ruin my reputation since I finally got my dream job.” 

I bit the inside of my cheek, “You’re right, I’m sorry.” 

There was a bittersweet feeling lingering in the air, “Thanks for the meal.” He spoke softly as he began to dig in. 

I was selfish, I already knew that. Guess being raised by such cold hearted people really affected me. I struggle to control those intrusive thoughts almost all the time. 

After Futamata finished, he was making his way to the door, grabbing his tuxedo jacket and shoes before pulling the door open. “I got to go,” he said stepping out the door, before he shut the door, he turned to look at me once more, “I hope you fix this soon.” 

I know exactly what he was implying even if it wasn't said, he's telling me that he hopes I'm long gone by the time he returns.

"Hah, I have always been stupid, haven't I, mother?" There's a small smirk as I rub my hand against my head, putting pressure on my eyes. It's not like she'll respond, she's already dead after all, but sometimes I can still hear her voice in my mind.
I stand up as I grab a plate and place a couple of pancakes along with some syrup and a fork, walking over to the room Y/n is still at.

Pushing the door open, she's already blinking away her sleepiness with a tired yawn.

"Good morning princess, how was your sleep?" I hover over her before placing the food down before her. I slice a piece of and dip it in the syrup.

She's silent for a moment, "It was fine, I just wasn't sure where you had gone." She trails off as she looks down at the plate, watching as I lift the fork up to her lips as I wait for her to open her mouth, she does with little less hesitancy before biting down.
"How do you feel about this place?"
I don't really know why I asked, but I did.

She silently contemplated in her mind before she swallowed her food, locking her eyes with mine, "It's not so bad, sure the other guy was a bit weird." I could feel her throat tightening as she swallowed again, "But I like it, I feel like I'm a little bit more protected because you can't hurt me her."

"'Because I can't hurt you,' huh?" The fork landed down on the plate as it made a loud clicking noise as it made contact. That phrase made me a little bitter, was I turning just like my dead mother?

"I see." Walking out of the room in silence, I let the door fall close without another word.

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