#18- Crazy?

845 26 1

- Coммeɴтѕ αɴd Voтeѕ αre αpprecιαтed★

Y/n's P.O.V

Waking up to find myself in an unknown surrounding, I lift my eyes to look outside the slightly open window, hearing birds singing in the trees.

"Where am I?"

Lifting myself up, I'm surprised to feel two strong arms wrapped around me, holding me in their hold. Glancing back nervously, I see Mr. Terushima sound asleep.

'Why is my teacher here?'

Anxiety seeps in the air, feeling light headed from the fear of not knowing.

As I move my upper body, I hear a rattle behind me. Turning over, I see a long chain... attached to my neck.

"What is this?!" I panicked hating the feeling of being trapped.

Mr. Terushima mutters something before he stretches, smile adorning his features.

"Good morning dear," he said into my ear as he pulled me closer to land a kiss on my cheek.

" 'Good morning dear'?" I question.

"That's right! You'll be under my watch now." He smiled, sitting criss-cross in front of me.

"What?" I asked in shock, too confused to understand. Surely I must have missed something!

"Don't stress your little pretty head over unnecessary details." He chuckled, "It's all fine now." He rustled my hair before he got off the bed.

"I'll make you breakfast, then you'll take a shower to help you feel better since your fever did get better around 3 in the morning." He said, yawning once he finished as he walked towards the door of the room.

What fever is he talking about?? Why was he acting as if this is normal? My is he leaving me behind? Looking around the room, I noticed a few pictures on the old desks. A small kid that seemed to be the child version of Mr. Terushima.

"Where am I...?
Lowering my gaze I caught sight of a broken picture frame, the picture facing the ground. Carefully I flipped it over letting a soft gasp leave my mouth at seeing Mr. Terushima looking to be around 4 or 5 as a child, an older woman who I guessed was his mother and a man how must have been his father. They were all standing together, Terushima holding one of his parents hands.

The saddest part was that Terushima was the only one smiling, a small tear running down his small face.


Why were you doing this to me?

PUBLISHED 7/26/2022

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