#15- Haunting Memories

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- Coммeɴтѕ αɴd Voтeѕ αre αpprecιαтed★


Terushima's P.O.V
As hours past, I finally arrived at my destination. Pulling into the old drive way, I turn off the car. Looking up, I smile as I look at the old house. I used to come here often as a child back when my mother actually cared for me.

She stopped focusing on me when I got older, letting herself get consumed with her alcohol addiction.

I remembered the last day I saw here very well...

I was 13 at the time, letting myself get lost in the television playing in front of me. I was minding my own business until I heard the sound of glass breaking over and over again. I thought I'd just ignore it since it wasn't the first time that it happened.

Until I heard the window from my mother's room being opened. Curious, I pushed myslef up from the couch. Climbing the stairs, I pushed open her door slightly.

I watched as her shiny hair flowed softly in the wind. Her stained clothes swaying back and forth too. She was standing over the safety bar that was supposed to protect you from falling.

She whispered some words, until her whispers became shouts. Lines of curses fell from her lips...

Until time seemed to have slowed down in front of me. I watched as she let herself fall to the ground.

I didn't think she'd die, we were on the second floor of the house. Yet when I ran over the the window peering over to her...

"Mother! Are you ok-!"

She was covered with her own blood, it was pooling all around her, and fast.

Rushing to call the ambulance, they asked me what happened so I told them. In the end they said she died because of broken beer bottles that were shattered on the ground.

They had ripped through her skin, piercing into her back and head.

I remembered that bitter feeling on my tongue as my face turned to a scowl, you never really were strong, mother. Always putting my own life in danger.

Don't worry though! I'll live for the both of us! You'll be proud you'll see!

PUBLISHED 7/20/2022

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