Gone ³¹

336 9 3

- Coммeɴтѕ αɴd Voтeѕ αre αpprecιαтed★

Back in the police station, Jake and Kristina were in the office. They both had an early shift. Looking through their notes, Kristina couldn't shake off the feeling Terushima played a deeper part in Y/n's case.


"Yes Kristina, what is it?"

"Call the principal of Johzenji High School."

"Okay... what for?"

"I have a feeling Terushima might really be a bigger issue than we first thought." She said, sharing a worried look at him.

As Jake dialed the schools number, the secretary picked up. After Jake told her they'd like to talk to the principal, she transferred it to his phone.

"Hello? This is the principal speaking." Jake handed Kristina the phone to let her do the talking.

"Hello sir, may we talk with Terushima? We have a few more questions-" she was cut off by the principal's next statement.

"Actually officer... he didn't show up today, nor did he leave an notice he'd be missing today."

"What? Have you guys tried calling his phone?!" Kristina shouted as he thought of their main suspect getting away.

"We have, multiple times, they're still trying to reach him but he won't answer any of our calls they go straight to voicemail." He confirmed.

"Shit..." Kristina thought as she slammed the work phone down to hang up.

"What's wrong?" Jake asked in worry for his partners sudden outburst.

"He said Terushima is gone and he isn't picking up his phone either, they can't contact him."
She sighed out angrily as she let herself fall back into her chair.

"Didn't you ask for the boss to send some officers to keep an eye on him after he left the other day?" Jake questioned in surprise.

"I did, boss said there wasn't enough evidence." Kristina rolled her eyes as she did a really bad impression of their bosses voice.

"Well lets go look for him!" Jake shouted as he stood up running to get his jacket, cup of coffee in his hand.


Walking outside, Kristina told the others to open a new case, and figure out as much as possible about Terushima Yuuji.

"I want everything you can find about this guy, name's, family, homes, any previous jobs."

Arriving at the school, they where met with nothing of help. Being asked to exsit since they were interrupting the students learning. Mr. Terushima's classroom was clean, not a sight of anything strange.

Walking towards their car, they where stoped by the janitor.

"I don't know if this helps," the old janitor said as he pulled a small bag out of his pocket.

"But I found this sleeping pill in Terushima's classroom one time, before that missing girl stopped showing up."

As Jake and Kristina smiled at the possible evidence they thanked him as they both left.

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