#34- Lost

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- Coммeɴтѕ αɴd Voтeѕ αre αpprecιαтed★

★ Happy New Years- 2023 ★

As of lately, Mr. Terushima has been giving me the cold shoulder. Yet he'd still come into the room I was in just to cuddle me against the cold floor sharing a blanket.

I'd lost track of how long I've been with him, when I asked him he'd always reply with a 'Don't worry about it.'

I've been getting more worried, he'd stared to become more unpredictable with his emotions. He'd become more violent and threatening with me whenever he was stressed.

Whenever he tried laying a hand on me as to get me to stop moving just to slap me around the face if I so much as even looked outside the window too long.

He'd only stop when he suddenly widened his eyes and sees me crying, with a busted lip. He'd begin hugging me firmly in his grip and apologize profusely, saying he wasn't himself.

I hated this, I wanted to leave, be rescued.

Yet he wouldn't let me step an foot away from the place he called home. It was really a pile of junk, no real place to be able to call comfy.

Laying down on the floor staring up at the ceiling with glistening eyes weeping quietly, I heard the door creak open. I didn't bother to look as he walked in, "What are you doing Y/n?"

Turning to lay down on my side as he approached me, I curled in on myslef incase he tried kicking me. He frowned as he saw my face, moving to lay down beside me.

"Do you want to sleep in the car?" He asked, kissing my shoulder as he ran his hand on my arm up and down. I guessed it was his gesture to try and comfort me.

"No." I firmly replied, shutting my eyes as I moved away from him.

He sighed, moving to follow in behind me, pulling my arm to turn me around and face him.

I felt my lips tremble as I looked at him, tears pooling at my eyes.

"Can't you leave me alone?" I asked in a breaking voice.

He frowned some more as he brought my face up to him, leaving a kiss on them before he hugged me form and started humming a tune.

This would have felt nice if he hadn't hurt me before.

Closing my eyes, I let my thoughts wonder on their own.

What happened to the old teacher I used to know? He was only my teacher back then, jumping at the opportunity to help his students. Charming smile decorating his features as he gladly thanked us for a good day.

I could hear the harsh wind blowing against the walls. Mr. Terushima's humming be drowned into ringing in my ears as I fell asleep.

I was forced awake by the tightening of hands around my throat. Opening my eyes, I looked up in horror to see Mr. Terushima with his eyes closed. 'Was he choking me in his sleep?'

Clawing at his hands, I tried speaking, but I couldn't with the air about of air running through my closing airways.
I was beginning to feel light headed, vision blacking out the corners as I gasped out hard for air. The air I needed if I didn't want to possibly die.

I pushed as hard as I could, slapping his face or pulling his head pack to try and wake him up, I could feel my eye lids heaving with the passing seconds.

Kicking and pushing at Mr. Terushima's body, he began to gain control, opening his eyes in drowning fear and pain as he finally realized what he was doing.

He quickly let go as he noticed I was about to pass out.

I coughed hard, eyes clamping down as I tried breathing, rubbing my neck to relief the tension of my muscles. I could feel his finger prints, like a ghostly hold was still around my neck.

I turned to look at him as I struggled to breathe normally again. He had throwing himself into the nearest corner as he rubbed his hands on his face. Eyes wide and panicked as he had began to shout, "I'm sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry damnit!" He cried.

"I fell asleep and the. I- THEY WERE THERE!" He looked at me.
"THEY WERE GOING TO TALK YOU AWAY!" He gasped, covering his lips.
"You were going to leave me behind..." he sadly whispered.

"You won't... leave me... right..?" He asked in broken phrases as he crawled to my weak form.

I shook my head, trying not to crawl away or being crying. The dry burn I felt in my thought when air filled my lungs agains.

"You can't leave." He whimpered, repeating it over and over as he gave me a side hug.
He eventually passed out from exhaustion, his words being "We won't let them win." As he fell asleep. I had been far to worried to sleep first again, choosing to stay up as his head was laying on my lap.

I don't want this...

Forbidden Obsession || ʸᴬᴺᴰᴱᴿᴱ! ᵀᴱᴬᶜᴴᴱᴿ! ᵀᵉʳᵘˢʰⁱᵐᵃ ˣ ᶠᵉᵐ! ᴿᵉᵃᵈᵉʳWhere stories live. Discover now