#47- Aggression

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Mentions of blood

"Grab the blankets and let's get going."

It felt horrible, the way he'd forcibly wrap his hand around my wrist only to throw my whole being onto the ground.

"Can't you hurry the fuck up?!"

I hated the way his words stung like a back handed slap on my face. The way his voice sent shivers running through my spine. Flinching away desperately only to find myslef backed into the corner once again.

I followed him outside as he placed his hand over the hat that covered my eyes, feeling his put more pressure as he forced my head down even more. My neck hurting from the action.

It felt worst to say I almost felt use to this behavior, but I don't want to feel this way. I waited until he opened the back door to the car, placing the bag he had under his arm and watching as I placed the blankets in the backseats too.

But I froze before I could register what I was planning to do.

"What do you think you're doing Y/n?" I felt his hand apply pressure on my back as he shoved me down into the car. Turning myself over so I was facing him instead. His hand falling onto my stomach, we both remain still, just... staring.

Silent staring until I brought my hands up and pushed my fingers into his eyes as hard as I could. My mind felt as if it was lagging, only realizing I'd began to scream after I scratched down his face on his left.

"Can't you just leave me alone?! I. Don't. Love. You. And I Never Will!" Every syllable fell out of my lips as I attempted to kick and punch whatever I could of him. "You're fucking INSANE!"

He knew I was right, so what gave him the right to fight back?

His grip dug heavy into my arms, snaking his hands up to my shoulders before covering my mouth with one and grab my wrists with the other. He'd managed to stop my kicks using his own body to overpower me.

It stung, the way he wasn't blinking as his eyes held too much emotion, all of it to much, the silence was to much, it was all breaking my mind! But just as much as it bothered, he removed his hand that covered my shouts into the air.


A slap. His hand sending my face sideways as I tasted my own blood on my tongue. "I FUCKING KNOW IT ALREADY"  Then another. Sending my head to turn to the other direction. "JUST. SHUT. THE FUCK. UP. CAN'T YOU DO THAT!?"

I didn't know why I stopped screaming, I couldn't feel any pain from the adrenaline. I just felt too limp, letting his hand guide my face to face his eye to eye, gripping my chin awfully hard.

"You're in no position to do anything, got that? I'm not afraid of hurting you if it means you'll know you're fucking place." He whispered into my face, his hot breath fanning over my features. It felt hot, and rapid as he breathed fast.

"How'd you feel in that house?"

I felt sickening, the way he promised not to hurt me, but he took so much liberty in it now, I felt tears settle in my eyes.

"I felt the slightest bit safe- knowing someone else was their to judge you for the crappy and shitty person you are!" I shouted, spitting the blood from my mouth onto his face as I lifted my knee out from underneath him.

Lifting my foot up as high as I could, I put as much pressure as I could into it. I felt satisfied as I heard the sound of glass shattering. Mr. Terushima turned around annoyed as as he watched the window from the backseat dissolve around my foot punched through it.

I only heard how it shattered on the floor, but felt a sharp pain as he grabbed my leg and forced it down will it was still sticking out of what remained of the window. A high pitched cry as the glass piece shoved its way into my skin, breaking inside.

Just as I thought it was enough, he stood up. I laid their in silent defeat as he pulled himself back, but he wasn't done yet. He had grabbed my leg from the other side of the door, pulling me towards him. A louder sob broke through my lungs as I felt the glass make it's way higher up my calf.


It wasn't until the glass broke off the window, still inside my leg.

"Look, just don't be such a bitch, and you went get hurt."

I don't bother picking up my voice as I mutter under my breath, "Fucking dickhead." He doesn't say anything either, choosing to slam the door shut instead.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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