#21- I'd Never Hurt You

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(Quick side note;
-if any of you know who I'm talk about We'd be best fucking friends 😭
This is more of a little 'in memory of' Haikyuuhoeee was such a big part of my inspiration and it was saddening to see the account get deleted, and I check on the second/ back up account to realize it was either deleted or taken down too.)


Back to the actual story below, thank you*


- Coммeɴтѕ αɴd Voтeѕ αre αpprecιαтed★


The following morning I woke up before Y/n, my mind loose with too many thought.
Why can't my mind just shut up?

I didn't mean to do what I had done while Y/n showered. It was an accident. I know that must have left Y/n shaken up. Whenever I so much as tried pulling her towards me she'd try resisting, but she wouldn't cry.

Can't you see I just want to protect you? If life wasn't so hard, maybe we could be together without there being so much trouble.

Maybe I wouldn't have had to kidnap my own student to be able to express my love for you.

I heard you shifting on the bed, you moved to sit up. As you turned to look into my eyes, you quickly lowered them.

"I'm sorry Y/n..."

"It doesn't matter..." you responded, voice flat.

"Can't you see? I'm doing this for a reason! I'm trying to give you the love you deserve! I'm trying to give you the love that should have been yours from the start. It's a dark world out there, with even crueler people." I begged, "We both lacked our own parents love."

That sentence seemed to have broken your exterior. Muscles tensing as you silently cried at the thought.

"Won't you let me give you that love?" I comprised, moving Y/n's hair as I kissed her cheek from behind.

"What's the catch?" You said as you tried shrugging me off.

"I don't ask for anything in return, as long as you're by my side." I softly smiled, pulling you back into a hug.

You didn't struggle this time, letting me hold you in place.

"If I listen, you won't hurt me, right?" You asked, voice nervous.

"I would never want to hurt you just to bring you pain, I want you to see I only want to love you." I said grabbing the hair brush, running it through your (h/c) strands.

"Just return my love."

PUBLISHED 8/1/2022
(Keep Haikyuuhoeee's stories alive lmao please ❤)

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