'What's wrong, my dear' ¹²

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- Coммeɴтѕ αɴd Voтeѕ αre αpprecιαтed★

I was doing well on the work Mr. Terushima gave me until I got distracted. The stares I got from others today was nerve-wracking. I felt my eyes tear up at today's events...

In other classes, students had wrote rude comments on my desk. They'd write on papers then throw them at me, or throw full on pencils at me too.

It was saddening to be treated like that, especially when I left the cafeteria, just to turn around and see a boy come up behind me and forcibly push me aside.

Wiping away at the tears that threatened to fall, I covered my face.

I'd forgotten I wasn't alone, Mr. Terushima had been very silent until I heard some rustling.

"What's wrong my dear?" I heard him questioning me, voice full of concern.

I didn't answer, or it was more that I couldn't, my own emotions stuck in my throat. I hadn't realized I'd begun to cry until he asked me a second time.

"Y/n, please come over here. I have some water if you want some." Standing up, I walked over to his desk.

Standing by him, I was looking down at the floor, but I noticed him shoving something into the large bag beside him.

"Here," he smiled, handing me a cup of water.

I dranked it up slowly, feeling arms come up to my waist pulling me forward. I was to exhausted to put up a fight, letting him pull me down onto his lap. I let myself be cradled in his hold.

I felt him push my hair away from my face, his big hands wiping away at my tears. I heard his soft whispers, his face being close to my ear.

"Shhh, it's okay."
"Don't cry, it hurts seeing you so sad my dear."
"Everything's fine now, I'm here honey."

Why was he being so sickeningly sweet?

I could sense his chest brushing up against my back whenever he'd breathe, his strong muscles rubbing against me.

I felt my gut twist at the softness in his voice, feeling my eyes closing. Yet I leaped out of his hold when I realized what was happening, making my way to the door that seemed to be so far away, I stumbled on my own feet.

Reaching for the door that was no where near me, I noticed my vision blurring, black dots adorning my sight. The darkness luring me in, it left tempting. Yet it was far more powerful than me that I couldn't overcome it. I felt myself lose balance, tripping over one of the desks.

Yet before I hit the hard floor, I felt large hands grab at my body. Picking up my limp state setting me down on a comfortable chair.

I heard one last thing before I blacked completely...

"It's okay Y/n, I've got you now." He said, kissing my forehead before everything went dark.

PUBLISHED 7/16/2022

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