Their New Math Teacher ⁰³

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- Coммeɴтѕ αɴd Voтeѕ αre αpprecιαтed★

Terushima's P.O.V

What happened just a few moments ago? Staring at that girl as if she was some enchantment spell.

As the bell rung for the final third time, the students sit in silence as they wait for me to begin talking. As I stand up from my desk, I stand in front of the board.

Smiling, I take a quick glance at everyone's face, before I begin to speak. Announcing my name, "Hello everyone, I'll be your math teacher for this year. I recently became a teacher, and I graduated from here myself."

Even though it had been previously quiet, whispers erupt between a few who already knew each other.

"He's the new math teacher?"
"He's so young!"
"He's really attractive isn't he?"
"He looks like he's an athlete too! Just look at his athletic build!"

Hearing those whispers, it made me roll my eyes, continuing with my speech about how I hope to have a good school year.

I couldn't help but turn over to the girl closest to my desk. Feeling my being set on fire whenever we so much as hold eye contact, it's like I can only feel her eyes on my even though many others were looking at me aswell.

She seemed to have only really been paying attention to me when I introduced myself, her eyes shifting down as she played with the hem of her shirt. I couldn't blame her, going over the exact same rules you listen every single new school year does get annoying.

Asking the students to introduce themselves, I had them go in order and stand up when it was their turn. I turned, walking back over to sit down in my desk as they began.

"Hello my name is Alex, I'm 16, and I like....." I wasn't really paying attention to them as they continued, it didn't really matter I had the seating chart with pictures of them and their names anyways.

Watching as one after the other continued to introduce themselves, the last person who introduced themselves was the one to catch my ears.

Watching as she lifts herself up from her seat, I admire her beauty. Eyes giving a quick glance over her classmates faces as she nods, "My name's Y/n L/n, it's nice to meet you and I hope we all get along well."

She stated, turning to look over at me from where I was sitting, waiting for my approval to sit back down. Nodding my head she sits down, I look away to begin the first task of the year.

PUBLISHED 7/11/2022

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