#16- 'Let me take care of you'

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- Coммeɴтѕ αɴd Voтeѕ αre αpprecιαтed★

❝ Can you read my mind, I've been watching you❞

Shaking my head to get rid of those unwanted memories I move to the door of the backseat where Y/n was at. Pulling the door open, I see Y/n still sleeping.

Lifting her up into a sitting position, I lift my hand up to check her temperature.
'It's... still hot'

Resting my forehead against her own, I stay like that for a bit until I began to move her out of the car.

Grabbing the bag of medicine, I shut the door afterwards. Walking up to the front door of this cursed home of mine, I open the door.

Walking in, I'm surprised to see it's still in good condition. Moving over towards the sofa, I set you down. You'd be too weak to move and you were still tied up anyways.

That being said, I walked around to check out how this place has been since the last time I'd been here.

I was deeply relieved to find out that the place was in great condition. We even had working water, it was the only thing my father did before he vanished.

Walking back down to the living room, I'm surprised to see you fluttering your eye. So choosing to pick you up and take you to what used to be my old room as a kid.

Upon setting her down, I grab the old metal chain my sick mother would use to keep me in place when she thought I was being annoying. Locking it in place around your neck I removed the ropes around your wrist and ankles, tossing away the tape in the process.

You were fluttering your eye even more, "Mr. ... Mr. Terushima?" You mumbled in confusion.

"That's right, it's okay I'll take care of you." I smiled as I pet your hair back. You seemed to like it, hence leaning into my touch.

Satisfied, I pull out the medicine I'd gotten for your fever. Pouring some onto the lid of the bottle I set the bottle down on the ground.

"Here drink this, you're running a high fever so this should help you out." I explained, tilting you head up as you looked at me in wonder.

You seemed confused but still compiled, opening your mouth as I watched the medicine slip down your throat.

"That should do it, get some rest. I won't be going anywhere any time soon."

Smiling I guided your head onto my lap, petting your hair as I saw your eyes closing again.

"I'll take care of you, I'll give you the love you deserve."


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