#24- 'Me? Suspicious?'

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- Coммeɴтѕ αɴd Voтeѕ αre αpprecιαтed★

Quickly walking towards my classroom. I unlock my door, leaving it open. As I grade some work I had piled up from students that didn't seem to understand what a due date was, I heard a knock at my door.

Lifting my eyes I saw a man in a police officer uniform. Removing my glasses, I smile at him, "Hello, how may I help you?"

"Sorry to bother you sir, but I'm here to ask some questions if you don't mind."

"Oh no, please come in." I said, waving him in.

"Thank you for your corporation. Please answer the following questions with honesty regarding the case." He said as he stopped in front of my desk. Watching as he pulled out a notebook I nodded in agreement.

Too bad he didn't know I was raised to lie, being taught how to hide my true emotions away from my voice.

"I'm here regarding a student named Y/n L/n, I was told she was a student of yours. Is that right?"

"Yes, officer may I know what happened?"

"We're currently investigating Y/n, she suddenly disappeared. In all honesty her mother wasn't much help. We'd appreciate any information that may help the case."

"Oh, okay please feel free to ask me whatever you think might help." I said, acting concerned.

"Thank you, do you think Y/n had any reason to run away? Did she act sad, depressed maybe?" He asked, waiting for my answer.

I faked thinking a little to make it more believable, "Yes actually, it was very recent too. She seemed to be under a lot of stress. I heard her mother wasn't really present for her from other teachers. I offered her to maybe get some stress off her shoulder by talking to me." I explained.

The officer nodded his head as he wrote down what I said. Humming he asked, "What did she do then? Did she talk it out?"

"No officer, she refused to ease up. I think she was being bullied too, but she never confessed who was doing it."

"Is that so? Thank you for your help, if you know anything else please contact us. I'll let you get back to work." He smiled as he put away his notebook.

"Yes, thank you officer." I smiled back, waving goodbye as he walked away.

As he got out of sight, I let my face fall. A malice expression taking over, "It's simple really, I'll just blame it all on Ana and Lisa." I smiled as I tapped my fingers together.

(Published 9/16/2022)

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