'Hey there pretty girl.' ⁰⁹

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- Coммeɴтѕ αɴd Voтeѕ αre αpprecιαтed★

After Y/n's encounter with Ana and Lisa, she went to her second period, that class being Science. Sitting patiently as she waited for the teacher to come inside, she thought over the events of what happened this morning.

(Y/n's P.O.V)

I hated the way I could hear the other students whispering about me, and how I had paint poured all over me.

Lowering my eyes, I avoided their cruel gazes. It was humiliating, and Ana and Lisa didn't offer any help. What kind of friends would do that? I should probably stop hanging out with them...

Sighing, I turn to look out of the window by my seat. The teacher walking in, yet I wasn't listening to a word she was saying.

I suddenly heard the chair beside me being pushed back, one of the prettiest boys sitting down beside me. Eyes wide I quickly looked at him in question.

"Hey, sorry to bother you but I was wondering if I could sit here," (desired name) said as he had already sat down.

"No... may I ask why though?"

"Oh, my bad. You probably weren't paying attention to the teachers instructions were you?" He chuckled, brown curly hair covering his eyes as he lowered his head to rest it on his arms.

"I wasn't... what are we doing?" I asked, regretting not having focused.

"No worries, we have to do a project and we needed to pick partners so I decided to come over." He explained, giving a closed eye smile.

"Oh, okay! What's the project about?" I asked, suddenly feeling nervous.

"We need to get some materials from the back room. We'll be using the microscope. Let's go get them." He said, eyes glistening in mischief.

"Alright." Standing up, I walked ahead of him as he gestured for me to go before him.

Too bad I didn't notice him signaling to his friend to follow after us.

Opening the door, I walk inside hearing (desired name) walk in behind me. Hearing the door click open, yet failing to hear it being pushed open a little again.

"Hey Y/n, they're right on the top shelf, think you could grab one?" He said, pointing to a shelf a little too high up.

"I think so, I'll just try getting up on this table surface..." with my back to the table, I use my arms to lift myself up. While I'm sitting on the table, I was about to stand up.

Yet before I manage to lift myself up, (desired name) comes forward. Pushing my legs open with his body. He settles himself between my slightly parted legs until he can't come any closer.

Eyes wide, I watch as his body comes even closer, our faces barely apart. Shock overcomes me first until I push myself away.

"What are you doing!?"

"What's wrong? I'm just trying to get one of the microscopes, see?" He casually replied, pulling his arm down after he had managed to successfully grab one.


Nervously, I watch as he steps back. Getting off the table myself, I turn away from him trying not to make a big fuss about it. Maybe I was just overthinking it...

I heard the flash of a phone's camera go off.
Then hearing the click of the door behind close, panicked I turn to look at it but don't see anyone.

"What's wrong Y/n?" (Desired name) asks me as he began walking to the door.

Waiting as he pulls it open, I walk out after him.


We sat back down in our seats to start the assignment we had to work on.

PUBLISHED 7/14/2022

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