#42‐ Snakes

178 9 4

- Coммeɴтѕ αɴd Voтeѕ αre αpprecιαтed★

Moments had passed since I last spoke with Mr. Terushima. I couldn't see anything since the room was really dark a tiny small window of a crack up on top by the ceiling as the Moonlight shined through.

At some point I had fallen asleep as I woke up again only to hear the sound of someone shutting the door, and I figured it was Mr. Terushima walking outside until I heard a stranger's voice, then I heard the mysterious man and Mr. Terushima's slightly disoriented voices from behind the door as their shoes clicked against the floor.

They approached the door of the room I was in, I got startled, quickly leaning up as I heard them twist the nob. The light from outside blinding me.

I saw a young man, around the same age as Terushima as he stood around a similar height.

Messy dark hair covering the tip of his eyes, with hawk like stare coming for his black irises. He leaned down smiling as Mr. Terushima pointed at me.

"Nice to finally meet you Y/n, the name's Takeharu Futamata. I'm a new secretary that has been working at the police station that's currently trying to find you." He smiled, teasing smirk as he closed his eyes. Slightly opening them as he stared heavily at my figure on the ground.

"And let me tell you, you're quite lucky to have such committed officers on your tail." He commented, turning to glace back at Terushima as he chuckled.

I turned down to stare at my hands on the floor, "Why is this all even happening to me?" I sadly questioned.

Sure I didn't wish this upon anyone else, but I never asked for this to happen to me either.

"Oh don't cry Y/n, aren't you happy we're here together?" Mr. Terushima softly spoke as he walked towards me. Hands reaching for me, trying to comfort me.

He creased my back, long slow motions as he did so. Moving my head to place over his shoulder as he hugged me.

I was in no place to put a fight, what if they both tried to force themselves on me?

I didn't want to ask for trouble.

I found myself crawling back into Mr. Terushima's embrace, fearing the worst.
My stress was building up as the other man stared at me with hard eyes.

"Say Terushima?"

Mr. Terushima didn't respond to him for a few moments until he thought I was feeling slightly better, "What is it?"

"We need to talk," the man spoke, walking out of the room to wait on the other side. Mr. Terushima let go, rolling his eyes but following after his old friend.

"What is it?" Terushima spoke again, clicking his tongue at his friends unsettling silence. "What do you mean 'what is it?' ? Even I know what you're doing is wrong." Futamata cringed, rubbing between his eyebrows.

"What's it to you?" Terushima asked, tensed, "After all, you are helping me out too, wouldn't that make you a criminal too?" He smirked, he knew Futamata had always wanted to become a police officer even if he had new truly voice it. However, it gave Terushima an advantage; if Futama wants to keep his new job, he has to stay quiet.

"Well maybe- okay fine! Yes! It does!" Futamata glared, "But at least I'm not into little girls!" He shouted pointing a judging finger at him. "Just drop dead at this point."

A small growl creeped out from the teachers throat, placing his glasses onto the counter as he rubbed his eyes, "You know what, just drop it."

Futamata let out a snort as he bumped shoulders will the guy before slaming the door to his bed room shut.

"Fucking damn it," Terushima hissed, crossing his arms over his chest as he watched the arms of the clock tick by.
The dark clouds forming outside as they darkened the streets outside.

Forbidden Obsession || ʸᴬᴺᴰᴱᴿᴱ! ᵀᴱᴬᶜᴴᴱᴿ! ᵀᵉʳᵘˢʰⁱᵐᵃ ˣ ᶠᵉᵐ! ᴿᵉᵃᵈᵉʳWhere stories live. Discover now