#36- Sweet Revenge

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- Coммeɴтѕ αɴd Voтeѕ αre αpprecιαтed★

"Y/n, sweetie? Come out would you? You've been in the bathroom all morning, I want to show you something." I sign as I lean my head against the wall, knuckle knocking repeatedly on the bathroom door.

I had already debated on pushing it open since it didn't have a lock, but I didn't want to seem to inconsiderate. I have already made her uncomfortable before...

I hear a sigh on the other end, but the floor clicks with your footsteps. Hearing the door creak open, I watch with a soft smile as you timidly appear behind the door.

"What is it?" You shyly ask, not fully opening the door.

I chuckle as the cute sight, "I want to show you something up on the hill." I replied, pulling out an old burner phone, and a memory card.

You look at me curiously, and that curiosity takes over as you let your shoulders down. Stepping out of the bathroom, you talk two long steps away from me.

"You know the drill." I say, raising an eye brow as you slowly come next to me. Taking your hand in my larger one, we step outside.

Silently walking up the hill, we walk in rhythm. Arriving at the top, I move to sit down, pulling you onto my lap. Shoving the memory card into the slot, I wait as it loads onto the old phone.

"...What are you doing sir?" You ask out of curiosity as you watch in wonder.

I smile, "I want to show you a little something."

As the phone turns on, I push play on the only video in the memory card. It's a recording, the first part being of when Ana claimed you were annoying and the both her and Lisa didn't really like you. The following being Lisa and Ana spilling that bucket of paint over you.

You gasp, expression turning sad, as your face shifted into an empty emotion of betrayal.

I quick pause, which was followed by the next clip, it being Ana's so called 'boyfriend' who signaled his other friend to follow after you and him into the store room during science class.
You twisted your hand as you crumpled my shirt in anger at the realization you'd been set up.

"Why are you showing me this?" You bitterly ask as you come to see how rude they'd been with you.

"Wouldn't you want to see them get humiliated too?" I ask, tempting you into the possibilities of them being the laugh stock of the school.

"..." you silently stare at the ground, pondering your own dark thoughts as you imagine your very own senerios. "What could I do anyways? You wouldn't let me go and you can't be seem because you'll get arrested."

I chuckle, "Such a clever girl, aren't you Y/n?" Ruffling your hair, I bring a finger up to your mouth.

There's a sudden glitch from the old phone, as another video starts playing.

The sound of Ana's voice filling your ears as you hear her sound like a slut, moaning as she's on the ground, begging a teacher to pleasure her.

I watch as your eyes go wide, you're probably wondering how I got this, aren't you?

"I asked a friend of mine for a favor... he was more than glad to put a camera up in his classroom to help put a stop to Ana's useless attemps at seducing her own older teachers. I obviously blurred his face, but you get the idea." I explain as I ran my hands through your hair, removing any knots softly.

"...Are you going to use it?" You hesitantly ask.

"Only if you want me too, don't you want to ruin her own reputation as well?" I ask, malice lacing voice like poison.

"I do." You confirm, eyes filled with one and only one emotion: Revenge

"That's my girl, I'll share it into the schools page tonight when I go out to get some food." I praise as I bring your hair to my nose, nose being filled with your scent.

"My sweet, young little doll..." My voice drifts off into a soft whispers as my hands both come down to squeeze at your waist.

"Let's go back" standing up, I grab onto your hand tightly as we walk back down to our 'home'. 

I smile as you patiently wait for me to finish placing all the locks in place, heading over to our shared room as you cuddle into my embrace.

Forbidden Obsession || ʸᴬᴺᴰᴱᴿᴱ! ᵀᴱᴬᶜᴴᴱᴿ! ᵀᵉʳᵘˢʰⁱᵐᵃ ˣ ᶠᵉᵐ! ᴿᵉᵃᵈᵉʳWhere stories live. Discover now