'Where were you two?!' ⁰⁸

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- Coммeɴтѕ αɴd Voтeѕ αre αpprecιαтed★

Sitting alone on the cold tile floors of the dirty bathroom covered in paint, I waited for Lisa and Ana to come back with a new uniform.

However minutes passed by after our talk and the bell had long since rang. I was already missing my first class of the day.

'I'm sure they're coming...' I'd tell myself, yet they never did...

Crying to myself into the corner, I stand up, looking at myself in the mirror. Hair ruffled up from some of the paint beginning to dry up, uniform soaked in the dry paint. Some of the paint running down my legs, covering my shoes, I'd managed to get most of the paint off my face.

Lifting my backpack, most of it was dripping with it. Sighing, I realized Ana and Lisa weren't going to help me like they'd said. After several phone calls gone straight towards their voicemall, I walked out the bathroom.

Head lowered in shame, even though it was all lonely since the students were in their classes right now. Dragging my legs, I walking into the nurses room.

Seeing as the young nurse raises her head to greet me, a gasp leaves her lips in surprise. "Oh sweetie! Are you okay? Come on in, I'll get you some clean clothes." She said, leading me to the bathroom.

"Thank you ma'am... by any chance did two other girls come in here earlier asking for an extra uniform?" I asked, hopeful.

Those hopes of mine were crushed the minute she replied.

"No, no one came here before you did."


Before changing into a new uniform the nice nurse let me use the shower. Scrubbing out the paint from my hair I sighed, "What a cruel prank, and here I thought Ana and Lisa just didn't know which bathroom I was in..."

As I finished, I thank the nurse, asking if she'd give me a pass for second period, she quickly agreed.

As I waited outside of Mr. Terushima's classroom, I heard the bell ring signaling 1st period was over.

Ana and Lisa walked out laughing, passing by me as if they didn't see me.

Walking up to them from behind, I yank them to a stop.

"What the- oh it's you." Ana claimed in a bored tone.

"Where were you Y/n?" Lisa smiled, playing nice.

"Where was I? A better question is, where were you two?! I waited for you two and you never showed up!" I angrily said, feeling tears prick my eyes.

"Oh, that, yeah we forgot." Ana mumbled.

"You two forgot?" I laughed so hard, did they really think I'd fall for such a lie?

"Yeah, we forgot, is it that hard to understand? Or are you too dumb to understand that?" Ana snapped at me.

"Yeah right. You know what? I'm leaving!" I said, pushing past them both. I could see Mr. Terushima looking at me as he leaned against the door to his class.

"She's so easy to make fun of." Lisa said, clicking her tongue.

"Right? Just wait until the second plan." Ana chuckled, pulling up her phone, sending a message to her current boyfriend.


Hey bby,
I need you to do me a little favor

Sure, what is it?

I want you to help me out by helping me ruin Y/n's reputation

PUBLISHED 7/14/2022

Forbidden Obsession || ʸᴬᴺᴰᴱᴿᴱ! ᵀᴱᴬᶜᴴᴱᴿ! ᵀᵉʳᵘˢʰⁱᵐᵃ ˣ ᶠᵉᵐ! ᴿᵉᵃᵈᵉʳWhere stories live. Discover now